Chapter Twenty-Five

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I'd just finished my morning routine and gotten dressed. I grabbed the door handle and I swung the door open when.


"YAAAAAA" I heard a scream and I looked down and That's when I saw Sana laying on the floor, holding the back of her head.

"Huh?! What... have you been outside the door the entire time?" I knelt down and I helped the squirrel up.

"Uh y-yeah..." She looked down as she still rubbed the back of her head.

"Why?..." I asked as I stepped behind her too look if she was bleeding.

"Well I was sad about last night and I kinda fell asleep..." She quickly turned and looked at me.

"Are you still mad at me?" Her big brown orbs stared right into my soul.

"I'm not... just don't pull what you did last night again okay?" I grabbed Mina's necklace and she nodded.

"Okay I won't but... Can we spend the day together? Like old times? I miss when we'd just walk around and talk" She grabbed my hand and she caressed it.

"Hmm alright" I turned and glanced out my bedroom window.

"The weather isn't too bad..." Sana squealed in excitement.

"Okay! Just let me get changed!" She ran down the hall leaving me behind.

"Aish... she'll never change will she?" I mumbled to myself. I made my way into the kitchen and I grabbed myself something to eat while I waited for Sana. After a while I finally heard.

"I'm ready!~" I got up and Sana was waiting in the living room.

"You look nice" I greeted. I felt bad about the door thing even thought it was a accident.

"Thank you~" we went into the hallway to put on our shoes before we left the house. It was kinda chilly outside.

"Y/n I'm cold" I glanced over at her thin long sleeve shirt. She always been wearing those because of her scars...

"Why didn't you bring a jacket?" I asked as we made our way downtown.

"I thought it would be warmer! Please I'm cold" She gave me those damned puppy eyes again.

"Aish okay come here" I wasn't much better but I had on a black hoodie so I wrapped my arm around her. If Tzuyu saw us like this she'd be furious.

"Y/n why are you so stuck up? You're acting like asked for sex..." I sighed.

"I'm not, it's just I'm trying to be loyal to Tzuyu, I'm done with that life. I just wanna settle down and have some kids." Sana started giggling.

"You're joking right? You're talking like you're in your mid thirties Y/n, you need to slow down"

"I'll slow down and relax after the wedding, how about that?" We entered a familiar neighbourhood.

"Okay, after our wedding then" she held her ringless hand out.

"I thought you said you promised stop talking like that"

"Yeahh.... abou- oh look!" She pointed forward and I looked.

"For closure" signs filled a familiar building. I felt a pit in my stomach.

"Ms. Tanaka's sushi place is being closed..." I gripped my necklace again.

"That's sad..." Sana added as she grabbed my hand.

"You okay?" She asked and I looked down.

"Yeah... it's just crappy... Mina was supposed to be here with us... and Ms Tanaka, she was a great woman" I let go of the necklace I continued walking.

"I didn't know them that well but I can tell they made a impact on you" Sana didn't let go of my hand.

"I need a drink" I mumbled.

"No you don't, let's just distract ourselves"

"How?..." Sana rubbed her chin.

"Hmm how about..."


"This is your idea of fun?" I asked as Sana dragged me down the halls of our old school.

"Yeah! I mean nobody's here anyways since it's the weekend, so we can mess around!" She grabbed a door handle and pulled us inside. I looked around and we were inside the gymnasium.

"Remember this place Y/n?" Sana asked as she let go of my hand.

"Yeah... maybe my least favourite place in the school" I looked around the place.

"Oh come on! This was fun! Remember the school prom? That was a lot of fun" She closed her eyes and she dances around the room.

"Oh yeah the prom I didn't go to because I didn't have anyone to go with" I picked up a random ball from the floor and I chucked it on her. It graced her head and she opened her eyes, shooting a glare at me.

"You could have asked me out you know?" She grabbed the ball and threw it back at me. I caught it and I looked at it.

"Yeah because half the school didn't ask you out already... you wouldn't have chosen me anyways so I didn't bother" Sana got close and grabbed the ball out my hands.

"I would have chosen you silly" She chucked the ball to the side and she pulled her phone out her back pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she was glued to her phone. Music suddenly started playing from her phone and she stuffed it back in her pocket.

"Care for a dance?" She smiled and I could help but to crack a smile back. She was cute when she did stuff like this.

"A dance can't hurt" I replied and she got close. We held each other as we slow danced in the empty gymnasium. We danced till the song ended and that's when we suddenly heard applause. We both flinched and turned towards the sound. I saw two familiar faces and a bunch of kids.

"Momo?!" "Mr Sato?!" Me and Sana asked in unison.

"Hey guys! That was a great showcase, but I don't recall telling you about my dance class" Momo replied with a smug look on her face.

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