Chapter Fifteen

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I was walking down the hall with Sana.

"Wow Ms Tanaka is gone... that creeps me out not gonna lie..." I said to Sana as I got shivers.

"She was the old lady we met, no?" Sana asked as she took my hand.

"Yeah she was, I don't know it just creeps me out because like i spoke to her yesterday... like right before you texted me and the problems happened" I sighed and looked at Sana's bandages.

"Yeah... well let's just forget about that and focus on the Mina girl. I could use a second bestie to vent to when you get on my nerves" Sana gave me a smug look and I chuckled.

"I could say the same haha" we both chuckled like some goofballs as we walked out the school building.

"Hey want to ride on my back? I kinda miss having your arms around me" I knelt down and I felt Sana climb onto me.

"Sure, I'd like to ride something else later~" She licked my cheek and I got shivers down my spine.

"That's the Sana, I know" I chuckled as we left the school for hospital. We arrived outside the hospital and I put Sana down on the ground.

"So what's this Mina girl like? I don't remember much other then that she was really pretty" Sana winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah she is... She's quite shy I'd say, innocent too so control yourself" I gestured towards her crotch and she hit my arm.

"Not in public idiot!" I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh also wear my hoodie, probably not a good look that you come inside the hospital with those bandages on you, they might think you're a patient haha" I took my hoodie off and I chucked it at her.

"Oh yeah I suppose" She put it on and it was way too big for her. I couldn't help to smile a little when she struggled to get her head through the hoodie.

"You should wear my clothes more, You look cute in them" Sana finally got her head through and she looked at me.

"I used to remember, but you always complained your clothes smelled like my perfume" She started walking towards the hospital entrance and I followed.

"Oh yeah..." We entered the hospital and made our way to the front desk. I spotted the same lady that I saw the other night. We approached her and she looked at me.

"Oh you're back" The lady at the desk said with a smile.

"Yes, I'd like to go see my friend Mina now" I replied and she nodded. We watched as she began typing on her computer and a minute later she looked back at us.

"Okay, Myoui Mina right?" I furrowed my brows a little. I thought her last name was Tanaka...

"Isn't it Tanaka Mina?" I asked and she looked at her computer screen again.

"Hmm.... no there's only one Mina at this hospital and that is Myoui Mina" I rubbed my chin and Sana stepped in front of me.

"Then it must be her, what's the room number?" She smiled sweetly at the lady and the lady looked at the screen for a last time.

"her room is number 69" The lady replied.

"Okay thank you!" Sana replied as she turned around and grabbed my arm. She dragged me down the hall and she gave me a funny look.

"What?" I asked curiously as we kept walking.

"Room number 69? heheh sex number..." She giggled a little and I thought about it. I wanted to call her a idiot and ignore it, but I had to admit. she did make me chuckle a little.

"heh... true, but control yourself around Mina. I don't want you to corrupt her innocent mind with your perverted mind" I looked at the door numbers and we were about halfway to her room.

"Hey you're a perv too, don't act all pure" she frowned at me and I smiled innocently.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sana, Oh there it is" I pointed at a door with the number "69" Sana looked at it and we made our way over to it. I grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door.

"Mina?..." I asked as I poked my head inside.

"Y/n?..." A soft voice replied from the hospital bed.

"That's me, I came to check on you, I brought a friend too, remember her?" I stepped inside and I dragged Sana in after me and Mina looked at her.

"Oh it's your pretty friend" She said with a weak smile.

"Aww so sweet, you're prettier though" Sana replied with a big smile.

"Flirt..." I whispered to Sana and she hit me in my thigh. I bit my lip as I sucked up the pain.

"Mina, We're your next best friends okay? We're gonna spend everyday with you!"

"R-Really?!" Mina had a look of excitement on her face I'd never seen before. I couldn't help but too feel warm and happy on the inside as I watched her and Sana talk.

"Yes! How are you doing by the way? I wanna know how my new favorite best friend is doing" She smiled smugly at me and Mina giggled a little.

"Mina might be your new favorite bestie, but I know that I'm Mina's favorite" I smugly replied as I looked back at Sana.

"EH?! Really?!" Sana looked at Mina in shock and she nodded.

"Y/n is my favorite, he's so kind" She smiled at me and I started to laugh at Sana.

"See haha. I'm the favorite! Also how are you doing though? I tried to see you last night, but visitations were closed"

"Oh.. well not too well, mostly very bored heh..." Mina sighed and put her head down. the sunshine peeked through blinds and illuminated the top of Mina's head.

"That's understandable, Have you eaten today?" I asked as I looked around for any sign that she had eaten.

"No not yet, Granny was supposed to come deliver my food, but she hasn't showed up today" My eyes widened slightly as I looked over at Sana for help. She gave me a equally worried look.

"Uhm she's probably busy, Hey why don't we go outside and eat? The weather is nice today!" Sana suggested as she walked over to the window and opened the blinds. The sunlight blinded all of us for a second before Sana quickly pulled the blinds shut again.

"oh yeah that could be fun, how about we go to the beach and have a picnic there?" I suggested and Sana smiled.

"Oh yeah! we can swim too if you'd like Mina" Sana offered and Mina thought about it.

"but... I don't have swim w-wear and I can't s-swim" Mina tugged on her white t-shirt and Sana shook her head.

"That's fine, You can borrow one of mine, and We'll help you swim! isn't that right Y/n?" Sana looked at me with a funny look. I knew she had something planned in her head, she only gives me that look when she's thinking about something dirty, but I'll make sure she won't do anything to Mina.

"Yeah, don't worry Mina it will be fun" I replied playing along with whatever Sana has planned.

"oh... o-okay heh... My wheelstair is parked outside the room" Mina weakly gestured at the door and I nodded.

"Okay I'll go get it then" I said as I left the room.

"A picnic at the beach is good, it will at least distract her from thinking about Ms Tanaka for now... I mumbled to myself as I went to get the wheelchair.

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