Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I finally arrived back home and I stopped in the driveway. I placed my head against the steering wheel and I let out a deep sigh. She totally is gonna question why I took so long...

"I'll just say... I ran into Momo! Yes yes, well maybe not... Momo is totally gonna out me because she's pissed" I leaned back into my seat and I stared up at the ceiling of the car.

"MR SATO!" I shouted to myself in a glimpse of brilliance. There was no way for her to proof check if I met him anyways, I'll just say he asked me to help him move some stuff since I knew Mina.

"Mina..." oof... how am I gonna tell her about Mina. I smiled a little as I thought of her shy look she usually had when we was younger. I unbuckled myself and I stepped out the car. I glanced into the front window and I saw the top of Tzuyu's head laying on the couch. I made my way inside and I removed my shoes gently as I went into the living room. I peaked over the couch and I saw my fiancé sleeping soundly on the couch. I felt warm and fuzzy inside as I stared at her cute face. How can she be so scary when she's mad and so cute at all other times. I tapped her cheek gently with my index finger and I saw her face scrunch together.

"Hey, I did as you asked and I get rid of Sana" I spoke in a soft tone so she wouldn't get irritated from just waking up. Her eyes opened slowly before she sat up in the couch.

"Good, now well... there's stuff I wanna discuss but not now, we'll do it tomorrow..." Tzuyu responded as she got up from the couch and grabbed my wrist.

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked as she pulled me with her to our bedroom.

"Well I'm upset, but I still missed you. I mean you're like 99% of the reason I came back home early"

"What's the other 1%?" I asked jokingly and she shot me a annoyed look.

"Not important now, you owe me a lot of cuddles for stressing me out today" we both laid down and she wrapped her arm and leg around me. I knew she was looking at me but I kept staring up at the ceiling. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it exactly.

"Can you close your eyes? You look like you've seen a ghost" Tzuyu teasingly mumbled as I felt her snuggle into my neck.

"Hehe I'm sorry..." I did as she asked and closed my eyes.

Sana POV

"Sana sweetie are you sure don't wanna stay the night at ours? It's getting to late to walk home now" My mom asked me as I stood in the hallway about to put on my shoes.

"I'm not sure... I just feel embarrassed..." I sighed as I looked at my parents.

"Don't worry about it Princess, We know Y/n he's probably just really tired today" My dad responded.

"Yeah, I remember plenty of times where I'd find
Y/n sleeping on our couch or in the backyard when you two were kids" My mother chuckled. I knew they were just trying to cheer me up, but I could barely keep my mask up. I didn't want to cry about in front of them. They always seen me as this perfect princess and now I disappointed them.

"I'll just head home okay? I'll be fine promise!" I put my shoes on and they looked at me. I know they're gonna worry about me getting home safely at night, but I just don't be here in this house anymore.

"Okay, you want me to follow you home?" My father asked and I shook my head and faked a smile.

"I'll he alright, I'm a grown woman now" he gave me a reluctant nod and I waved before I left my parents house. It was already pitch black and the streets we're empty. I really had no idea how I was supposed to get back to Momo's apartment on foot, but I'd figure it out. I kept walking for a while just listening to the random noises of the night as streetlight illuminated my path.

"Oi sexy lady~" I heard someone callout from the sidewalk across the road. It was some dark clothed guy and he didn't seem nice. I ignored him and kept walking. I could hear footsteps following me and I saw him about ten meters behind me.

"Hey you! Don't ignore me baby~ I just wanna have a good time~" he kept calling out and following me. I felt really scared and I started too run.

"Hey slow down baby~" he called out and he started running after me. I felt scared for my life. I saw a illuminated store a couple blocks down and I quickly ran to it and hid inside. It was a small antique store and the guy ran inside it as well.

"There you are sexy~ you're a hard one to get" he said as he grabbed my arms. I screamed for help as I tried to wrestle my way out of his grip.

"Don't struggle baby~ we can have fun both of us~" he said as he tried to pull me out the store.

"Ehem... I wouldn't do that if I was you..." we both stopped and turned as we saw a older guy holding a katana sword in his hands.

"HELP!" I yelled and the old guy took a step forward. The creep let go of me and bolted for his life out the store. I dropped to the floor as I gasped for air. I tried not to cry but the tears just rolled down my cheeks.

"Are you okay miss?" The old guy asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I-... I-..." I looked up at him and he looked very familiar, like I'd seen him a lot before.

"Relax... you're safe now, here come with me" The old man said with a warm smile as he held his hand out. I grabbed it and he helped me up. He lead me into some backroom that had a couch and a TV inside.

"It's not as big as our old sushi restaurant, but it sure is enough for me hehe" the old man chuckled as he let go of me and I sat down on the couch.

"Sushi?..." I asked as I felt bells going of in my head.

"Mhm... I don't forget a pretty face like yours easily" he responded with a small chuckle. He walked over and grabbed the TV remote.

"You remember me? I'm sorry, but you seem very familiar but I can't put my finger where exactly I saw you" He handed me the remote and gave me a small nod.

"You and that boy came and helped my grand daughter with her sickness, my wife was very appreciative so am I for your kindness" I furrowed my brows a little, then it click.

"Wait... sushi shop, sickness... oh my! Are you Ms. Tanaka's husband!?" I stare wide eyed at him as he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes Ma'am, well I think it's too late for a young lady like you to walk around all by yourself, why don't you just sleep on the couch for tonight then I'll wake you up in the morning when I open the store"

"You sure?" I asked as I watched him grab a blanket off a shelf and hand it too me.

"Mhm, it's the least I can do for someone who cheered up my grand daughter, she still talks about about the fun you guys had when she was in hospital"

"Wait still?! I thought she died?!" I stared at him completely in shock.

"Hah so did we, but somehow my little flower pulled through and she's better then ever actually"

"Wait you're talking about Mina right?! Mina is still alive?!" I must be dreaming right?

"Yes Ma'am Mina is still alive and kicking" Mr Tanaka replied as he walked over to the door.

"Oh my god! I gotta tell Y/n! He won't believe this!!"

"Mhm, you can tell him tomorrow, I think you should rest now, I know if Mina stayed up this late I'd not be happy."

"Okay Mr Tanaka and... thanks for saving me" He gave me a nod before he flicked off the lights and shut the door. I laid down in the couch and I pulled the blanket over myself.

"Wow... so Mina is still alive... Y/n will he so happy... but he probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore... heh..." I took out my phone and I opened my photo gallery. I smiled as I looked at all the pictures of him.

"Why won't you love me... I love you so much... I'm such a fucking idiot for rejecting you..." I felt tears roll down my cheek as I pressed my phone against my chest.

"I want the real thing... not a damn picture..."

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