Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Did Sana put you up too this?!" I asked frantically as I used my arms to lift her further from my face.

"No... I just... I just want too" She pouted a little.

"Is this really what you want?..." I'm still suspicious of her sudden lust for me? Why me it doesn't make sense at all.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I sighed.

"Okay then... take off your shirt" She smiled and began to lift her shirt exposing her big cleavage in her white bra. This was opportunity! As soon as it covered her face. I gave her a big push to the side and I jumped off the bed.

"H-Hey!!!" she yelled as she fumbled with her shirt. I  immediately ran out the room and into the bathroom where my clothes were hanging. I didn't have time to get dressed as I could hear Momo approaching. I rushed out the apartment in just my underwear holding my clothes in my hand.

"Y/n baby come back!" I looked up and I saw Momo on the top of the stairs as I ran down. I ran out the apartment complex where I saw my car parked. I dug in the pockets but all I found was my phone.

"FUCK! She has the fucking keys!!" I groaned as I put my clothes on quickly before anyone sees me. I looked at the apartment complex and I took the walk of shame back to Momo's apartment. I unlocked the door and I was immediately greeted with Momo sitting on the couch. She was twirling my car keys in her hand with a annoyed look on her face.

"Looking for these?" She asked in a rhetorical tone.

"Just give me the keys Momo" I said as I closed the door behind me.

"No, you're mean! You know that?"

"Yeah, I'm mean for not wanting to fuck my sister" I crossed my arms in disbelief that I'm even having this conversation.

"You could have just said no!" She stood up from the couch.

"You could have just used your little friend under the pillow and we'd never had this in the first place" I rebutted. Momo usually wins all our arguments but this is not one I'm willing to back down from.

"I just wanted to love! Is that so wrong?!" She started to pace around the living room.

"No? But that love you want is not something you should ask from your fucking brother Momo!"

"Fuck you!"

"Yeah... Yeah fuck me whatever, can I just have the keys back? Tzuyu is waiting for me at home" I held my hand out for her too give me the key.

"Why? You're going to go home and fuck her aren't you?!" She suddenly got in my face.

"No! She's fucking pissed, because Sana is trying to ruin our relationship. It's the whole reason all her shit is here! Tzuyu kicked her out" Momo was quiet for a bit. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"...Sit down please" Momo spoke out in a sad tone.

"Can I leave if I do?" I held my hand out.

"Fine..." She put the car keys in my hand and we went over to the couch.

"You know why she wants to ruin your relationship right?" Momo suddenly asked

"Yeah, she loves me sooo much she wants to cause me all these issues" I responded in a frustrated tone.

"You should be nicer to her you know?"

"I'm not mean! I'm just neutral and I'm not trying to cheat on my fiance! Is that so fucking bad?!"

"It's not bad Y/n, I just as someone who's close too Sana I think you should at least hear her out" Momo sighed.

"Hear her out for what? She already told me why" I stood up from the couch.

"Right... Well I don't think she's told you everything" Momo stood up as well.

"Like what?" I was about ready to leave, I knew I already had a upset Tzuyu waiting for me at home.

"Like how every relationship she's had has failed because she talks about you 24/7, like how she stopped wanting to date anyone else because she didn't want to risk giving her heart to someone other then you" Momo said in a stern tone.

"How do you know all this" I asked raising a brow at her.

"Hello?! I've been her bestfriend too, you know? Actually I've been a better friend to her then you have these past years. Ever since Tzuyu came in the picture you left her. Same as when that Mina girl showed up."

"I've had enough of this, if you care so much for Sana then go marry her" I stated as I stormed out the apartment.

"You've become a fucking asshole Y/n" Momo shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah yeah, love you too" I muttered as I left the apartment complex. Everything is my fault always isn't it? I thought to myself as I got into my car. Multiple girls love me and I try to love them back in return but I'm the asshole.

"Kiss my fucking ass Momo, you don't know how difficult this is" I angrily muttered to myself as I drove away.

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