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 We'd just arrived at my parents house, I pulled into the driveway, Sana was napping in the passenger seat, I gave her a light nudge to wake her up. 

"Hey wake up" I unbuckled my seatbelt quickly as I kept an eye on Sana.

"Unnngghhh five more minutes..." She kept her eyes closed as she turned to face the car window.

"No five more minutes haha, We're here" I shook her a little harder but she kept laying there. 

"Fine, I'll just bring you myself" I got out the car and walked around to the passenger side. I opened the door and unbuckled her from the seat. I lifted her out the car and shut the door with free hand. I bet she was smiling all happy with herself that she ended up in my arms. She sure knows how to get her way. 

I made my way over to the front door but before I could open it my mother stood before us, "Good you're finally here, where's your sister?" 

"No clue, I'm not her baby sitter" I answered in joking tone.

"You sure? Looks like you're baby sitting right now" She pointed at Sana and let out a small chuckle. 

"Yeah Sana didn't like getting up so early today" My mothers smile quickly changed to a look of confusion. 

"Sana? wait that's not Tzuyu?" I furrowed my brows at her question, but then it hit she was totally out of the loop with what's recently went down with Tzuyu. "Why wouldn't you bring your fiancé?" 

"Very long story... I'll explain when we get some privacy. but my arms are getting tired can I drop off this paperweight?" I asked jokingly as I readjusted my hold on Sana. 

"Of course" My mother let me in and I made my way to the couch, I dropped Sana off and she looked at me. 

"Comfy shoulder you got there Y/N" Sana said with a warm smile.

I heard footsteps behind, I turned and saw my dad coming into the living room. "Wow! Sana and Y/n? I must have travelled back in time, Long since i've seen you two together" He put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Heh, Yeah dad it been a while, Why don't you two catch up, I gotta talk to mom for a bit" I wanted to explain the whole situation to my mom and see what she taught was the best plan of action. 

"Sure" They both said in unison. 

Sana POV

We watched as Y/n vanished into the kitchen to his mother. I felt a little awkward as his dad sat down next to me. It's been so long since I even spoke to him. I had to break the ice!

"Happy birthday sir!" He let chuckle as he thanked me. 

"...I can't believe you've grown so much since last I saw you, You look like a grown lady now haha" His friendly demeanor was hard to not smile at. 

"Yeah, but I think Y/n has changed more over the years then me" I responded trying to not be the topic of discussion. 

"Yeah that's true but I see that fool all the time so I saw more the gradual change, So what you up too? Do you work?" I let out a nervous chuckle at his question, no of course I didn't work, My parents are well off! ugh but I'm gonna sound like such a leech if I say that....

"Uhm well... no I don't really do much if I'm honest, my parents kinda well... pay for me" I felt embarassed but he let out a hearty laugh. 

"Ohaha smart of you! I'd do the same if I was you, I mean I've seen what your parents wear and drive when they delivered you here when you were younger so I knew they were well off financially" His laugh was contagious I couldn't help but to laugh a little with him. 

"Well sounds like you're free all day, Found a lucky guy yet?" his follow up question felt so awkward. I don't wanna talk about my dating life to Y/n's dad?! 

"Uhm... no I've not really been looking either though..." Which was true! After graduation I totally quit looking for other people. 

"Wow! a pretty girl like you? not looking? That's a first for sure, I'd be telling Y/n to ask you out if he didn't have his fiancé" I was caught off by what he said. But now I was interested to keep talking.

"What makes you say that?" I asked innocently trying to get a explanation.

"Well you two have always been like two peas in a pod, If I saw one of you and I always saw the other and you looked pretty happy together, and If I'm being quite honest... don't say this to Y/n but his fiancé..." He whispered the last part "She's like a real stuck up bitch ain't she?" I couldn't contain my laughter at what he said.

"Yeah she's horrible, I had to live with her for long" I quietly answered and he let out a hearty chuckle.

"See this is why I think you're a way better choice Sana, You'd make a way better Daughter in law, I can actually joke around with you" We both smiled.

"Well you might get your wish, They'd broke up recently" His smile vanished and got replaced by a look of surprise. He was quiet for a short moment before he smiled again. "Well then I wish you the best of luck, My son's got a heart of gold but he's dense as bricks, but you seem witty so I think you'll get him if you want him" 

"You know what... I just might" WHAT AM I SAYING!? OF COURSE I AM GONNA TAKE HIM! I HAVE BEEN TRYING THIS WHOLE TIME! Play it cool Sana...

"Great!" He looked at his watch. "They sure have been talking for long, Wanna play cards to pass the time?" I didn't really want to play cards, but it was the mans birthday so who am I to say no.



"So that's what's been happening lately mom, I feel really stressed out about everything" I said as I finished my explanation of what's been going on between me and Tzuyu. 

"Aww that's just awful, and she was such a sweet girl too, well I can't make decisions for you honey, but you should probably try to talk to her again in a couple days, Love isn't designed for split second decisions" She continued to prepare food.

"Yeah, but it really hurt finding out she cheated... arggh well now you know why Tzuyu probably won't come around anymore, So I would like to drop this topic for the rest of the night" I stuffed my hands in my pockets. 

"I understand, but can you do me a favor?" She turned and looked at me.

"Yeah?" She waved her ladle at me, "Can you call that lazy sister of yours and tell her to get her butt over here? Food's soon ready" 

"Oh yeah, I'll do that. I'll go save Sana from the torment of hanging with dad" My mom chuckled at my words and I left the kitchen and I was greeted by the sight of Sana and My dad playing cards.

I couldn't help but to smile at the sight, It was not what I was expecting. I broke their concentration with a simple question. "Who's winning?" They both looked up at me. 

"Your dad..." Sana replied as she put a card down. "I'm not surprised, playing cards is all he does in his free time" I'd been in the same position as Sana and getting my ass handed to me over the years.

"She's better than you Y/n for her first time. You need to step your game up" My dad teased as put his card down. Sana covered her face as my dad let out a hearty chuckle "Victory for the reigning champ" I pinched the bridge of my nose from the cringe my dad radiated.

"Well I'm glad somebody's having fun, I'm gonna go call Momom, she's still not here" 

"Good, I need a new opponent" My dad joked as he started to collect the cards off the table. 

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