Chapter Six

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"Where are you taking me?" I frantically asked as Sana dragged me down the hall after her. She didn't answer me, she just kept a steady pace until she reached a random door. She grabbed the handle and opened the door. With one strong push she sent me into the room where I hit some broom and buckets. She came inside and locked the door.

"Janitors closet?!" I asked as I gathered my balance.

"Yeah idiot, you owe me" She pushed me against the wall again before she knelt down and pulled down my pants.

"Is this really necessary? What if we get caught?" I asked as I felt a warm sensation move along my shaft.

"We won't..." Sana replied as she took my member down her throat. I instinctively grabbed a handful of her hair and I guided her head back and forth.

"Ugh fuck Sana..." I quietly moaned as she continued to make me hard. I accidently knocked some stuff over as I tried to keep my bearings as Sana continued to blow me.

"Stand still, you'll attract people" Sana complained as she stood up. She turned around and pulled her skirt up exposing her pink panties.

"Hurry up and fuck me, I got class in a little" She commanded and I obliged. I pulled her panties to the side as I slid my dick inside her already wet core. Her quiet whimpers filled the room as I inched my way deeper and deeper inside her.

"Aahh f-fuck daddyyy~" Sana moaned as I began pumping my dick inside her. We knocked more things over as we tried to keep our bearings. A feeling of euphoria filled me as the anxiety of being caught flowed through me. I got even more rough with her. I grabbed her hair and I yanked her head back hard causing her to whine as my pelvis slapped against her soft bottom.

"Is this what you wanted? You are happy now" I asked grabbed her throat choking her.

"Y-Yea-Ahhahhhh" I started to mark her neck as I felt myself reaching my limits.

"I'm gonna cum..." I whispered into her ear and she looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Cum in me... I'm s-safe" Her tone was different, almost like she was pleading for it. Like a stray dog begging you for food.

"Agh f-fine... ahh" I felt myself let go as I filled Sana's womb with my steamy load. She was shaking and whimpering as she took it. We stood there for a minute before I pulled out. I grabbed a random rag of one of the trays and I wiped my dick clean before throwing it in a trashcan. I watched as Sana caught her breath as she was leaned up against the wall. It was quite the sight to have your best friend with her panties around her ankles up against the wall in a janitor closet. I couldn't admire my work for too long as I pulled my pants up.

"Fuck I gotta go pick up Momo! You can handle yourself right?" I asked as I watched Sana pull her panties up.

"Y-Yeah, see you later" She tiredly replied before I rushed out the janitors closet. I left the school property and I made my way over to where Momo's dance practice was.

"Hmm this isn't far at all, she could have totally walked home alone" I complained to myself as I entered the building. The faint sound of music could be heard from down the hall and I followed it. After walking for a little bit I finally got to a wood door with a glass panel. I peeked through the glass and I spotted Momo and a bunch of other girls dancing. I realized I was a little early so I just decided to watch them. I'd actually never watched my sister dance before so I was quite impressed. I suddenly felt someone touch my shoulder and I flinched a little. I turned my head and my jaw dropped as Nayeon was standing right in front of me.

"You lost playboy?" She asking with her arms crossed. She didn't look very excited to see me.

"Playboy? And no I waiting for my sister" I replied with a smile.

"Sister?" She asked with a curious expression.

"Yeah, Momo is my sister, she wanted me to come pick her up" I explained but she didn't seemed very convinced for some reason.

"Momo never mentioned having a brother, let alone you..." She crossed her arms as she looked me up and down.

"Well I am, and what's the issue? You seem like you hate my guts or something" She raised a eyebrow as she took a step closer.

"Hmm well I've seen how you treat girls and also the fact I see you with a different girl every time makes me think you're a fuck boy, and I hate fuck boys..." I furrowed my brows at her.

"Me a fuck boy?! I'm not with neither Sana or Yuna. Sana is my best friend and Yuna is like a little sister to me" 

"Is that why you made her cry?" Nayeon gave me a serious look.

"Siblings fight right? Not that we're blood related, just as a metaphor"

"I get that... I'm not stupid" I could hear the music stop and talking came from the dancing room.

"I never said you were, I actually think you're quite smart and beautiful" I decided to take my shot. I put my hand on her chin and she stared right up at me.

"W-What are y-you" Nayeon stuttered as I leaned in for a kiss. I right as our lips touched I heard the door behind me swing open and a very familiar voice called my name.

"Y/n! Let's go home!" I quickly pulled away acting like nothing as I turned and smiled at Momo.

"Yeah, let's go! See you later Nayeon" I turned and waved at her. Nayeon's cheeks were red as she looked at us and waved back. I quickly grabbed Momo by the wrist and we left the dance practice.

"What were you two doing?" Momo asked as we walked out the building.

"Oh she asked why I was here, I told her I was here to pickup my sister. You never mentioned me! I feel offended" I jokingly replied trying to pass the fact she almost walked in on our make out session.

"Oh yeah haha sorry, I never had a reason to bring you up" Momo replied as she tied her hair in a pony tail.

"Ah it's okay, you can make it up by doing the dishes for me" She put her finger on her chin as she made a thinking noise.

"Hmm sure, but then you gotta pick me up more often" She replied with a smile.

"Deal" I wasn't opposed to the idea if Nayeon was gonna be there. It would be a good way to interact with her more often especially now that I think she likes me. I started chuckling to myself and Momo looked at me.

"What's so funny?" She asked

"Oh nothing..."

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