Chapter four

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"Shit!? Get fucking dressed Sana!" I whispered in panic as I pulled my pants up and rushed off the bed.  I watched as Sana frantically put on the clothes I gave her. The loud sound of footsteps coming towards my room started to make me panic.

"Fuck forget the bra! Put it on later" I whispered as I quickly kicked the bra under the bed just in time as I heard the doorknob twist.

"Y/n?" It was my moms voice. I turned around and I saw my mom standing in the doorway looking at me and Sana.

"Hello Ms hirai!" Sana greeted with a small bow.

"Hey" I quickly added as she entered the bedroom.

"Oh Sana, I wasn't informed that you'd be coming over" My mother said as she looked at me.

"Oh yeah, it wasn't actually planned, but we decided to hang out in my room after school" I explained and she squinted her eyes as she inspected the room.

"Mhm... something is off..." she replied and both mine and sana's eyes widened a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a calm manner.

"Your school bags, why aren't they here?" We both face palmed as we realized we'd forgotten our bags in the classroom. Sana quickly stepped in front of me and put her head down.

"Sorry Ms Hirai... we skipped school and left the bags there... it's my fault, don't punish Y/n" I felt my mothers eyes pierce into mine as she looked at me.

"Mhm... Thank you for your honesty Sana... oh well you're teens what can I do... You staying over for dinner Sana? Momo wants jokbal for dinner today" My mom asked as she lifted Sana's head up by the chin.

"Momo always wants that..." I complained and both of them turned and looked at me.

"Stop complaining" the replied in unison and I rolled my eyes.


"Good now come downstairs and keep your sister company while I cook" My mom said as she left the room. I turned and looked at Sana and she let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close..." She mumbled

"Yeah... Let's just go downstairs before she gets suspicious..." I walked out the room and Sana followed after me. We entered the living room where Momo was sitting on the couch.

"Sana?! I didn't know you were here!" Momo exclaimed in a excited tone as we sat down on the couch next to her

"Mhm, Just hanging out with Y/n" Sana replied as she put her legs across my lap.

"You always do, but you usually don't visit" Momo responded as she looked down at Sana's legs.

"Hmm... are you two?" Momo leaned closer so mom wouldn't hear.

"A thing?!" She looked at us with a funny look and we both shook our heads at her.

"No not at all, I'm just comfortable around Y/n since we've been friends for so long" Sana responded.

"That's true, anyways Y/n I'll need you to come get me tomorrow, I have dance training and I don't wanna go home alone" Momo said looking at me.

"Can't dad come and get you?" I asked as I wasn't really in the mood to have to go pick her up after school.

"No, I already asked and he's too busy, just be a good brother and help me" Momo grabbed my arm and looked at me with puppy eyes. As much as Momo annoys me, I do care about her and she knows how to win me over, just like Sana.

"Fuck fine... now let go, I'm not a teddy bear" I complained as I yanked my arm out her grip.

"Sure, it's just because Sana is here, you're shy to cuddle with your sister huh?" Momo chuckled and I just pinched the bridge of my nose.

"No need to be shy Y/n, we can share you until dinner" Sana suggested as she scooted closer and rested her head again on my shoulder. Momo copied her and did the same on the other side. I sat there awkwardly for a while until I heard the ticket out of this cuddle session.

"Guys! The food is ready!"

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