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I parked my car outside of Mina's place and I quickly made my way over to the front door. I rang the doorbell and after a couple of seconds the door swung open revealing Mina.

"Wow! You look amazing Mina" I said with a big smile as I checked out her short red dress with matching red heels.

"T-Thank you Y/n, you look good too" smiling back as me. I put my hand out and she took it gracefully. She shut the door behind her and we made our way inside the car.

"So where would you like to go beautiful" I figured since we both had cheated then it was fair game.

"Hmm... Well I was thinking maybe we should eat? I'm feeling quite peckish too be honest" Mina responded as she held her tummy.

"Food first then! Got it ma'am" I said with a slight chuckle garnering a small chuckle in return from her as I started the car and drove off.


Sana POV

"He's not answering my texts" Momo said as she stared at her phone while we walked around downtown.

"We're not too early are we?" I asked trying to find a rational reason for him not responding.

"Uhm I don't think so, Wait let me call Tzuyu she probably knows." We stopped outside some restaurant and Momo phoned Tzuyu. I just stood there and watched as I heard Tzuyu pick up.

"Hey Tzuyu" Momo asked in a cheerful tone


"Uh I was just wondering about something" Momo scratched the top of her head.


"You wouldn't happen to know where Y/n is? We we're supposed to-" Momo stopped and looked at the phone. "Hello? Tzuyu?" She furrowed her brows at me.

"What did she say?" I asked with a worried look.

"Nothing, She just hung up when I mentioned Y/n, What the hell...." She stuffed her phone back into her purse.

"Hahahah you can't say that~~" I heard some girl say from the inside of the restaurant.

"That voice..." I spoke out in a soft tone.

"hmm?" Momo tilted her head at me.

"I recognise that voice Momo"


"You have a little something, let me get it for you" I said as I took a napkin and aimed for the corner of her mouth. Mina just nodded and leaned her head closer to me when two voices I didn't want to hear started to talk.

"Y/n! Why don't you pick up out calls!" Momo spoke out getting both our attentions. Her and Sana stood next to our table looking at me.

"I said I'd meet you two later, can't you see I'm busy" I said in a equally annoyed tone as I gestured at Mina. Momo wouldn't budge her head she still gave me a annoyed glare, but as I glanced over at Sana I already saw that her and Mina were giving each other surprised looks.

"M-Mi-Mina?!" Sana gasped as she covered her mouth.

"H-Hi Sana, it's been a while" Mina shot her a soft smile, tilting her head slightly at her.

"I would have probably fainted if I didn't run into your grandpa" Sana said as she sat down next to Mina. Momo grabbed my shirt and pulled on it.

"What?" I asked as she forced me up out the chair.

"Come with me for a second" Momo mumbled as she took me with her too a quiet area of the restaurant.

"You have some explaining to do Y/n" Momo said in a stern tone.

"Explain what? You two are the ones crashing my date" I countered as I leaned up against the wall.

"Date? Aren't you engaged? Also why didn't you tell me about Mina?" Momo furrowed her brows at me. I shook my head back at her.

"I'm not, I'm calling that shit off. I caught Tzuyu cheating on me" I explained feeling a tension in my chest as I mentioned it.

"Oh... well explains why she hung up when I mentioned your name, but Mina! Wasn't she dead?" Momo's annoyed look turned more curious.

"I thought so too. Remember that day when you caught me and Sana in the school gym?" Momo nodded at me. "Well when you left me and Mr Sato alone to talk, that's when I found out and I haven't seen her much, but I really do feel the same spark with her that I did all those years ago" Momo's face quickly changed to a empathetic one as she took my hand.

"Mhm..." She peaked over at Sana and Mina and they looked like they were getting along just fine. She looked back at me. "So no more Tzuyu?" I nodded at her.

"No more Tzuyu" I said back in a quiet tone.

"Well that feeling you have inside you, is what Sana has inside her towards you, you know?" Momo tried to explain.

"I know, I'll always love and care about Sana, even if times it doesn't seem like that, I just was blind sighted by my love for Tzuyu I suppose"

"So you'll give Sana a chance now?" Momo smiled at me.

"Maybe, but we should probably get back, I don't want to keep my date waiting any longer"

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