Chapter Seven

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I arrived back home and I went was sitting in my room. Boredom struck me as I reached in my pocket for my phone. I felt something weird in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was the crumpled envelope from the principal.

"Oh yeah...forgot about you" I mumbled to myself as I opened the envelope and pulled out a folded note. I chucked the envelope to the side before I unfolded the letter and began reading it.

"Dear Y/n, This is Ms Tanaka writing this letter. My granddaughter Mina really enjoyed your visit and wanted to thank you, her shyness stopped her from saying it last time. Please consider coming over and make her happy and I'll supply you with a free meal"

"Free food? And I gotta do is let that Mina girl thank me? Sounds like a deal to me" I hopped out my bed and I rushed out my room.

"Where are you going?" My dad asked as he was sorting some things around the house.

"Oh gonna go out and eat" I replied as I put my shoes on.

"But your mother is cooking for us now" He replied.

"Yeah, but this meal is free" I replied.

"So is your mothers meal" My dad replied as he put some boxes down.

"Yeah, but I'm in the mood for sushi, bye!" I quickly rushed out the front door and made my way downtown. It took a little to remember the way to Ms Tanaka's place but I eventually found it at the apartment block. I entered and I saw there was a couple of random people the old man was serving. I spotted Ms Tanaka behind the register as she finished talking to some customers.

"Ms Tanaka" I greeted as I approached the counter.

"Oh Y/n! Nice to see you again young man. Did you recieve the letter I gave to Mr Sato?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, that's why I'm here haha" I replied with a smile.

"That's great! Mina hasn't stopped talking about you since you were here last. Why don't you make you way to her room and I'll bring you two something to eat" Ms Tanaka suggested and I nodded as I made my way behind the counter and into the backroom with the staircase up. It almost felt like I was sent on a date. I made it into the apartment and I took my shoes off before I walked over to Mina's room. I knocked slightly and I heard a small voice greet me.

"Come inside..." I opened the door and poked my head inside. I spotted Mina sitting on the floor against a mirror as she brushed her hair. Her eyes moved up and they made contact with mine. She dropped the brush and covered her face.

"Hey Mina, I heard you wanted too meet me again" I replied in a joking manner. She obviously seemed very nervous. I was too but I had my ways of ignoring that feeling. I walked inside and sat down on the floor next to her.

"So uh... what are you doing?" I asked trying to break the ice with the shy girl.

"I... b-brushing m-my hair...." I replied in a quiet tone as she slowly separated her fingers so she could look at me.

"Oh cool cool... so uh... need help?" She looked at me and gave me a small nod. I scooted closer as I picked up the brush. I took a part of her soft hair and I started brushing it gently.

"Wow... y-you're good at t-this..." Mina's small voice spoke at as she watched me in the mirror.

"Oh yeah, my sister Momo always asked me to do this for her so I got a lot of practice from that" I chuckled a little and she smiled. After a little while I put the brush down.

"Could you... m-move me onto the b-bed?" Mina asked in a quiet tone and I looked at her.

"Yeah, of course" I got up and picked her light frame up off the floor. Her face was almost touching mine as I made my way over to bed. I was gonna put her down but she put her hands around my neck pulling herself close. I didn't know what do and I kinda stood there frozen as Mina buried her face into my neck.

"Y/n and Mina I brought you foo-" It was Ms Tanaka. She was standing in the doorway with two plates of sushi and she just stared at me.

"Bad timing?" She asked looking at me.

"Uh... I'm not sure what's happening myself... She asked me to carry her to bed and now she won't let go" I explained and Ms Tanaka put the plates on a small desk before she came over to me.

"Mina? You okay my darling?" She patted her back and I felt like I was in some bad romance movie or something.

"Don't g-go..." I heard Mina quietly whisper to me and I didn't know what to do.

"Mina you're gonna have to let go so we can eat" I said as I gently pried her grip off me, luckily the sick girl wasn't strong at all so it was pretty easy.

"Listen to Y/n Mina, you can hangout more after you eat" Ms Tanaka added as I put Mina down on the bed.

"Y/n can we talk for a second?" Ms Tanaka asked and I nodded. We left the bedroom and closed the door behind us.

"You must excuse Mina's behavior Y/n, She around that age where she's blossoming into a woman, and the only guys she see's is Mr Sato and My husband" I mouthed a O as I nodded.

"Well I have no ill intents with her Ms Tanaka, I just came to say hello and eat some food haha" Ms Tanaka smiled at me as she put her hand on my chest.

"You have a good heart Y/n, I believe you will treat her well" My stomach began to rumble and she chuckled.

"I think you should keep Mina with company and get some food in your body. You seem to need it" Ms Tanaka teased before she went downstairs.

"Very funny..." I quietly mumbled as I entered the bedroom again. Mina looked at me and I shut the door behind me.

"Let's eat!" I said as I picked up the plates of food and walked over to the bed. I place one of the plates in her lap and I sat down next to her on the other side of the bed.

"Wow your bed is comfy" I commented as I wiggled myself into the most comfortable position.

"Mhm... w-when you're stuck in b-bed all day it's
i-important" Mina replied as she began to slowly eat.

"Good point" I replied as I also began to eat. I definitely felt like a pig as I finished my plate before Mina got halfway.

"Oh a-already finished?" Mina asked as she looked at me plate.

"Yeah, skipped dinner to come here so couldn't help it, Your grandmother is a good cook" I replied and she nodded.

"Yeah... but very strict" Mina replied as she handed me her plate.

"How so?" I questioned as tilted my head out of curiosity.

"Well she wants me to a lot, so I get better... but I don't feel hungry most the time..." Mina replied and I just noticed she'd stopped stuttering.

"Ah... but don't you wanna get better? It's important you eat so you get healthy, here" I picked up a piece of fish and held it up to her mouth.

"I'll feed you then, when you finished we'll do what you want okay?"

"Ok deal..."

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