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"Another one..." I slurred to the bartender as I nudged the empty shot glass to the otherside of the table.

"You sure sir? You've already had a lot" The bartender responded as he reached for the vodka bottle.

"Y-Yes fuck just give me it" I snatched the bottle out his hand.

"Sir!" The bartender responded with a shocked look his face.

"h-here..." I reached in my wallet and whatever cash I had onto the table as I stood up and stumbled my way out the bar with the vodka bottle in my hand. I aimlessly stumbled around as I occasionally took swigs of vodka.

"It hurts..." I slurred as I slumped over onto the curb. My breathing was heavy, my vision blurry. I wanted it to stop. I wanted all the pain to stop. I want to be happy.

"Y/n?" A sweet voice spoke out. I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and I turned and looked. It was Sana, my vision was blurry but I'd recognise her tone anywhere.

"Sit up Y/n" She dragged me up and I sloppily sat up.

"You're drunk Y/n... let's go home" she tipped the vodka bottle over before she helped me up. She brought me to her house. It was quiet and empty. She brought me over onto the couch. She laid my head down in her lap and she started stroking my hair.

"Y/n why are you drinking? You almost never drink..." There was a moment of silence.

"M-Mina... she's g-gone" Sana gasped a little.

"B-but she was sleeping when I left..." Sana's tone was quiet.

"S-She wasn't just s-sleeping Sana" I felt tears rolling down my cheek. "She never w-woke up."

"No..." Sana gasped in shock with the sudden news. "Y/n, I-I'm sorry."

"I should've been there! I should've been by her side... I promised her.."

"It wasn't your fault Y/n."

"W-while Mina was in pain, while Mina was dying I was-" I choked up on my words as the guilt overwhelmed me. " I was..."

"You didn't know Y/n, no one did." Her warm and delicate fingers brushed against my hair.


"Mina surely understands..."

Hearing those words pushed me further, I wailed and cried my hardest. I felt the grief and guilt and the knots that they form ran throughout my being. With my forearm covering my eyes, I wept and I sobbed. I cried until my throat was dry and my eyes burned.

"Sana..." My mouth was dry and my voice was hoarse when I called out to her name.

"What is it, Y/n?" She replied as she continued nursing me.

"Sana... Let's be more than what we are.." I confessed, slurring my words. "You're the only I have left... and I don't think I can lose you either."

"..." Sana was taken aback and wide eyed with my sudden confession. "Y/n... you're just drunk."

"But Sana-"

"Y/n, let's talk about this when you're sober." Sana immediately cut me off. "Rest for now Y/n, you need it."


My head was still spinning and my chest was still hurting but it felt better when I was with her. She lulled me to sleep as she gently stroked my hair. After minutes of staring into the ceiling I found myself passing out on her lap.

The next morning I woke up to the feeling sick in the stomach. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up whatever alcohol was left in my body. I was hungover. A bad one. I made my way to the kitchen nursing my headache to grab myself a glass of water. It was then when I saw Sana by the stove top, fixing together some kind of breakfast.

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