Chapter Eight

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"Open your mouth" I asked and Mina listened. I gently placed the fish in her mouth and she started to chew.

"Good, you'll need to keep eating if you want to get healthy" I placed my hand on her lap and she smiled.

"Yeah... heh, I just haven't felt motivated" Her smile slowly faded and I reached for another sushi piece.

"Well shouldn't getting healthy and Ms Tanaka's care be motivation enough?" I held the food to her mouth a she ate it. There was a slight moment of silence as she ate.

"Yeah, but she's old... she won't see my future. I don't even see my future... I'll just be stuck with my uncle and keep on fighting this sickness" I noticed a tear rolling down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve.

"Don't think like that Mina... You'll get healthy and then you'll live the life you want" I smiled at her as I grabbed the last of the sushi and held it in front of her. She sighed and ate it. I took the plate and put it on the nightstand.

"You're really kind Y/n..." I turned and looked at Mina.

"I'm just being a decent person or at least I try to..." I chuckled nervously as I remembered back to when I upset Yuna earlier. I wanted to apologize to her, but I wasn't really sure how? I think Mina noticed something was wrong as she wrapped her arms around me, as she pulled herself close to me.

"Hmm?" I looked down at her and she looked up at me.

"You seem bothered" Mina responded in a quiet tone.

"Mhm yeah, something happened earlier today, I feel bad about it" I rested my head against the headboard and Mina took my hand. I looked down as she stroked her thumb across the top of my hand.

"Hmm want to talk about it?"

"I guess? It's not much to talk about... A friend of mine confessed and I rejected her in a rude manner, and I feel bad for making her cry..." Mina went quiet for a little.

"You rejected her?..." Mina snuggled herself closer.

"Yeah, She nice, but she's like a little sister to me, I don't see her as she sees me" I sighed as I closed my eyes.

"I understand... You wouldn't reject me would you?" I opened my eyes and I saw her staring at me with puppy eyes.

"Uh... I wouldn't, but I don't want to date anyone at the moment, I'm happy being single" That was complete bullshit, I just want to date Nayeon, especially now when I know I have a good chance.

"Oh... It's okay... I don't want to force anything..." She slowly put her head down and I started to panic, I didn't want to hurt another girl.

"Hey Mina, I didn't reject you, I just don't want to commit right now" in a bold and stupid move, I gently took her chin and pressed my lips against hers. We made eye contact for half a second before we closed our eyes. We broke the kiss and Mina smiled at me.

"That makes me happy... Thank you for being my first kiss" She was blushing heavily.

"My pleasure" I looked at my watch and I noticed it was starting to get really late.

"Well it was nice Mina, But I gotta get home before my parents flip out" I was about to get off the bed when Mina held my hand.

"Hmm? What is it?" I looked at her confused.

"One more please..." She stuck her lips out and I quickly leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Okay, I gotta run! Sleep well Mina maybe I'll see you again soon" I got off the bed and she gave me a gummy smile.

"You better" I we both chuckled and I waved her goodbye as I left the apartment. I passed through the sushi place and I saw Ms Tanaka cleaning tables.

"Okay Ms Tanaka, I'm leaving now, the food was really good!" She turned and looked at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it... uhm what about Mina, did she eat?" I nodded at her with a smile.

"Yeah, I made her finish her food haha" Ms Tanaka smiled back at me as she let out a small chuckle.

"That's good! She usually doesn't eat much, but anyways have a safe trip home" She waved me off before returning to cleaning and I nodded before I headed back home.

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