Chapter Twenty-Two | The continuation

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"Y/n how do I look?" Tzuyu asked as she did a little twirl in her sundress. Her smile radiated as she sun shined on her face.

"Great as always babe" I replied as I admired her stunning features, I was really greatful that Mr Sato told her to sit with me all those years ago. I fidgetted with the ring box in my pocket as I watched Tzuyu in her own world as she basked in the sun.

"Hey Babe..." I asked as I approached her. She made eye contact and smiled.

"Yes~?" She looked curious.

"Well haha... I've been thinking a lot recently and I just want you too know" I took her hand as I reached in my pocket.

"Want me to know what?" she asked with wide eyes, I got down on one knee and I held the box up to her.

"I want you to know... That I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Sana POV

I was laying on bed on my phone when I could hear yelling from coming from the backyard. It sounded like Tzuyu and I got curious since she's usually the quiet and reserved type. Something bad must have happened, I chucked my phone to the side as I made my way downstairs and out into the backyard. I immediately spotted Tzuyu hugging and jumping around like a little kid on Christmas.

"YES! YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YESS!!!!" She yelled and I furrowed my brows.

"Uhm everything alright? I heard yelling" I said catching their attention.

"YES! EVERYTHING IS FANTASTIC LOOK!" Tzuyu broke the hug with Y/n and ran over to me showing me her hand. She was wearing a diamond ring at my eyes widened. I turned and looked at Y/n and he just had a genuinely happy smile on his face.

"Y-You proposed?..." I felt a odd, yet familiar feeling inside me. Almost like someone broke my heart... I didn't like it one bit.

"Yeah! I mean look, the weather is beautiful, Tzuyu's looking beautiful as always. I just felt like the perfect time to do it." He smiled as he came over and wrapped his arm around Tzuyu. It definitely wasn't the first time seeing them do this. I mean they we're dating since last year of high school, I should be used to it, but this time it felt different.

"Y-Yeah! Oh I'm so happy for you two!" I said as I smiled and hugged them both. I lied I wasn't happy about this at all. I admit, I love Y/n... Just as much as I did back in high school. I don't want to lose him! I can't lose him, I haven't felt his touch or kissed him ever since they got together. I long for it.

"Aww thank you so much Sana! Don't worry I'll definitely make you the most important bridesmaid!" Tzuyu replied as we broke the hug.

"Ahahah thank you~" I replied with a fake smile.

"Fucking fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck noooooo!!! this can't be fucking happening?!?!" I was screaming and freaking out internally as I looked cool and collected on the outside.

"Well... I won't disturb you two anymore. You deserve to spend some alone time together in this amazing weather" I said as I gave them a last fake smile.

"Ah okay Sana, Don't worry we can hang out when we eat dinner" Y/n said and I nodded.

"That sounds good bye bye" I waved as I went back inside. I rushed upstairs and into my room locking the door. I rushed to my bedroom window and I looked out at the backyard. I saw Tzuyu and Y/n kissing clenched my fists. I threw myself onto the bed and I screamed into my pillow

"NOOOOOO! I CANT LET THIS HAPPEN! I CANT! I WANT YOU Y/N!!! I DESERVE YOUUUU" My muffled screams filled the bedroom.


"Well that went better then I expected haha" I said as I let out a little chuckle.

"Oh how so?" Tzuyu curiously asked.

"oh haha it's just I've known Sana forever and she took the news surprisingly well. Usually she'd be screaming and whining and trying to find a way to ruin it for me haha, but luckily this relationship she's behaved haha" We both chuckled.

"Maybe she finally grew up ahaha, I mean I didn't take her for that kind of person. She's usually just in her room alone unless she's at work or hanging with us" Tzuyu responded and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, she actually became a lot tamer after you showed up, she used to always go out with tons of people all the time, times change I guess haha" The sun started to set and we looked at each other.

"We should probably get started on dinner then? I don't my future wife to starve" I said as I glanced at my watch.

"Haha okay hubby~" We both turned around and went inside the house.

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