Chapter Ten

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"Uhh... What's all this about?" I asked as I looked at my mom.

"Their home burned down, so they'll be staying here until Mr and Mrs Shin find a new place to stay" My mom replied as she gestured towards Yuna's parents.

"Okay, uhm me and Nayeon will be in my room then" I took Nayeon's hand and was about to leave to my room.

"Oh by the way, you will share room with Momo and Yuna, because Mr and Mrs Shin will use the Momo's bedroom" My mother said as we left the living room. I cursed under my breath as we headed to my room. I opened the door and I saw Momo Laying on my bed.

"GET OFF!" I complained as I looked at her.

"Nice to see you too bro, Oh Nayeon! Wait why is Nayeon... Don't tell me you two are?!" She sat up in my bed.

"We are now get off! It's bad enough I have to share with you now, I don't need you to fuck up my bed when I actually did my bed this morning" Momo just ignored me and looked at Nayeon.

"NAYEON! WHY MY BROTHER EWWW I THOUGHT YOU HAD BETTER STANDARDS THEN THAT!!!" Nayeon chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I think he's cute" Momo gagged at Nayeon's response and I groaned.

"Can you act your age Momo? You're acting like a little kid" I walked over and pulled her out my bed.

"cAn YoU AcT yOuR aGe? WHY ARE YOU DATING MY FRIEND Y/N!" Momo went from a mocking tone to a annoyed one.

"Are you two always like this?" Nayeon asked as she sat down on my desk.

"Not more then the average siblings do" I replied as I let go off Momo. I felt my pocket vibrate and I looked at the number. It was Sana's phone number.

"Y/n can I hang out with you, I'm so bored and a little horny~" 

"Who's that?" Nayeon asked from the desk.

"Sana, She wants to come over and hangout" I responded as I took a step back so Momo couldn't read the text.

"Sure, just come" I put my phone back in my pocket.

"What did you send?" Nayeon asked again.

"Oh I said sure, you're okay with that right?" I could tell by her facial expression she wasn't happy about me saying it's okay, but I know Sana doesn't take a no for a no and she'd come over anyways.

"it's fine I guess..." Momo's phone started freaking out. We both turned and looked at her.

"OH CRAP! NAYEON LOOK!!" She ran over and showed her phone to Nayeon. Nayeon's eyes went wide and they both took off running out the room. I just stood there baffled.

"What just happened?..." I asked to myself as I rubbed the back of my head. Great Momo just took off with my girlfriend... what the fuck do I do now? I hopped onto my bed and it smelled like Momo. she's sleeping on the floor, there's no way she's laying in bed with me. I frowned as I took out my phone and started texting Nayeon.

"Wtf happened? why'd you two just run off without saying anything?" I waited for probably 20 minutes before I recieved a picture from Nayeon.

"Sorry! apparently we had practice today and the message was from the dance coach asked where we was!" I looked at the picture and it was her inside a practice room, I could see Momo in the back talking to some random girls.

"Oh okay, You coming back after practice or?"

"No not today sadly, I gotta spend time with my parents this afternoon :("

"Okay, See you tomorrow then! love you"

"Yeah! love you too~~"

I put the phone down on my nightstand and I stared up at the ceiling. A couple of minutes went by when my door swung open and I saw Sana and Yuna Standing there.

"YA! Why didn't you tell me Yuna was here!?" She came inside the room as she dragged Yuna after her.

"Uh... because I wasn't thinking about it?" I sat up in the bed.

"Also why's she sitting all alone in the living room?"

"Why you asking me? I didn't tell her to do that" I scoffed and looked away. I felt Sana grab my ear and I winced

"Ouch! Whyyy" I whined

"Yuna! what did he do?" We both looked at Yuna and she just pouted and stayed quiet.

"What did you do?!"

"You know what I did! She's upset because I rejected her, You already know this" Sana's serious look changed to a smirk as she started to giggle.


"Yeah I know, I just wanted to mess with you, But you should apologize to Yuna! She's my baby after all!" She pinched Yuna's cheek and Yuna still looked upset.

"Fine... Yuna I didn't mean to reject you in such a rude manner, Do you accept?" Yuna stayed quiet and Sana poked her in the side. I watched as Sana whispered something into Yuna's ear, I tried to listen but I couldn't hear what she said.

"okay... I accept"

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