Chapter Fourteen

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"Yuna you should cook for us more, it was really good!" Momo said as she licked her lips as we walked to school.

"Really?! I tried my best and your mom helped mr a lot hehe" Yuna smiled as we continued to walk.

"Oh I gotta agree with Momo, it was actually really good, our mom doesn't make pancakes that are that good" I wanted to reassure her since I still felt bad about rejecting her.

"Oh wow Oppa! I will keep making food for you two then!" She latched onto my arm as we approached the school. It was a relatively busy day at school as we watched hundreds of students make their way around the school property.

"Hey girls" I said as I spotted Sana in the distance.

"Yeah?" They both responded in unison.

"I gotta talk to Sana now, but hey Momo don't forget to check on what we discussed earlier" I replied as I gestured towards Sana.

"Oh yeah! I will don't worry, come Yuna let's be detectives!" Momo took Yuna's hand as they walked off into the crowd. I turned my attention back to Sana. She was standing there alone leaned up against a brick wall. I made my way over to her.

"Hey Sana" I said trying to act like everything was fine. She looked up at me and turned her head away from me.

"Sana come on, You know didn't mean it like that" I tried to take her hand but she yanked it away and stormed off

"Hey Sana wait!" I went after her. I followed her until she hit a dead end. She turned around and stared me right in my eyes.

"You're to worst!" She stomped her foot on the concrete ground.

"Sana, It was just bad timing, I got in a fight with Nayeon and I was upset then you texted me at the wrong moment! I tried to apologize but you blocked me before I could!" I took her hands and I felt her resisting but I didn't let go.

"Do you even understand what I went through?! I was scared for my life! I didn't get home before super late! My parents scolded me! I couldn't stop crying you was angry with me! I just wanted help!" Tears rolled down her face as she began trying to hit me. My grip started to slip and my hands went down from her hands to her wrists. She began to wince and whine as I held her arms.

"Hey I'm not even holding you hard Sana calm down" she fell down onto the ground.

"It hurts!" Sana cried and I let go of her. I looked down at her wrists and her white sleeves started turning crimson. I felt my heart drop and beat faster at the same time. I quickly knelt down in front of her and I rolled up her sleeves. I felt my stomach drop as I saw the open cuts and fresh scars that littered her wrists.

"S-Sana? W-Why?!" I felt tears well up in my eyes. I pulled her into the tightest hug I've ever given her. Seeing Sana like this crushed my heart. All I could hear was Sana's sobbing.

"It's g-gonna be okay! T-trust me! I'll n-never leave you a-alone again!" I wanted to cry so bad but I had to be strong for Sana.

"Come I'll t-take you to t-the nurse!" I lifted Sana up and I carried her to the nurses office people stared at us, but I didn't give a fuck. I had to make sure Sana was gonna be okay. I carried her inside the nurses office and I showed her Sana's wrists.

"Wait outside" She said as she began to rinse Sana's cuts. I nodded as stepped outside. I looked at my hoodie and it had both tear and blood stains on it. I had to take some deep breaths to compose myself.

"Fucking fuck... it my fault... I probably caused her to harm herself. I'm such a fucking idiot" I mumbled to myself as I waited outside.

"Y/n! There you are, I've been looking for you" a manly voice called out from down the hall. I looked up and I saw the principle Mr Sato approaching me.

"M-Mr Sato?" I replied as I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"Yes, I need to talk to you about something very important" He grabbed my shoulder and I tensed up a little.

"Oh, what's it about?" I asked. Mr Sato shook his head at me.

"This is a... private matter, we'll discuss it in my office" He was about to walk but I grabbed his sleeve and stopped him.

"Can we wait a little? My friend Sana is inside, she was the one with me when I delivered the medication last time" Mr Sato stopped and thought about it for a second.

"Hmm fine, when she's done come meet me in my office" He responded as he began walking away.

"Okay!" I replied as I kept waiting for Sana. I waited for another ten minutes and Sana finally came outside.

"There you are, fuck I was so worried Sana" I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back.

"S-Sorry" I heard her mutter into my ear.

"Don't apologize I'm just happy you're ok. Come principle wants to see us" Sana broke the hug and looked at me confused.

"Why?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"He said it was a important and private matter?" Sana looked at her bandaged wrists and I took her hand.

"Come let's just go see what he wants" Sana nodded and we walked off down the hall to the principles office. We knocked on the door and we heard him call us in. I grabbed the handle and we both went inside.

"Shut the door please" Mr Sato said as he sighed. I we could tell something was bothering him.

"Okay Mr Sato, you wanted to speak about something?" I said as we stopped in front of his desk.

"Yes, now uhm... okay so I received some horrible news this morning..." my heart started pounding again as I thought about Mina.

"Nothing happened to Mina right?!" I suddenly burst out in panic. Mr Sato shook his head.

"No... No... it's agh... Ms Tanaka passed away in her sleep last night and I'm worried about Mina..." I could see a sad expression form on his face.

"Wait but?! I spoke with Ms Tanaka last night?! I..." I was in shock from hearing the news. I glanced at Sana and she just looked confused.

"Yes I know, she called me yesterday afternoon saying how much she liked you and that you showed up on your own to check on Mina..." A slight smile formed on his face.

"Oh she did?" Mr Sato nodded.

"Well okay here's the thing... Mina is in hospital as you probably know, She doesn't know about Ms Tanaka's passing. She was her main care taker since I'm to busy running the school." he sighed again.

"What do you want us to do?" Sana suddenly asked.

"Okay so what I'd like you two to do, is distract Mina, Take care of her. Treat her like your friend until I can sort out some form of proper care for her and don't worry about getting marked as absent. I'll make sure you two are excuses and I'll mark your grades as passing so you'll graduate." Me and Sana looked at each other then back at Mr Sato.

"So basically we take care of Mina and In return we don't have to show up at school and we still pass?" I responded and he nodded at me. That sounded great! Spending time with Mina just to pass?! Count me in.

"Well I'm totally down" I replied

"Me too" Sana replied as she looked at me.

"Good! Okay you two can go see her now if you'd like, you're excused for the rest of the day" Mr Sato said as he gestured towards the door.

"Okay, Bye!" We both replied in unison as we left the principles office.

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