Chapter Five

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It was the next day and I wasn't entirely sure what to do, I hadn't seen Sana since she went home after dinner and I wasn't a very popular person so I didn't have anyone to hang out with.  Well there was one person.

"Y/n! Can I eat with you?!" It was Shin Yuna, She was a few years younger, but I got to know her when we met at a neighborhood gathering.

"Yeah..." I simply replied as I continued to enjoy my meal.

"Gosh! not even a hug?! Now I'm sad!" She pouted at me and I wanted to get up and leave. She was a nice and cute girl, but she had no concept of embarrassment. She's loud and says whatever is on her mind as it pops in.

"Yuna... People are staring" I said as I felt all eyes were on us.

"So? I don't care, give me a hug Oppa" She stuck her arms out and I sighed.

"Okay, but please keep your tone down" She squealed in excitement as she almost jumped into my arms.

"Jeez okay Yuna that's enough" She let go and she gave me a funny look.

"What is it?" I asked as she put her finger on her chin.

"Heheh, Oppa are you embarrassed of me?" She pouted.

"I just don't like drawing attention to myself ok? And you yelling and jumping around brings attention to us"  I explained and she mouthed a O as she looked at me.

"Oh sorry Oppa... I didn't mean too upset you" She looked like she was about to cry and I quickly pulled her close.

"Don't cry, here let's go to a more secluded place to eat" I got up and I took her wrist as we left the cafeteria. We left the school building and sat down outside on a random bench.

"You're strong Oppa" Yuna spoke out she rubbed her wrist.

"Hmm, or you're just delicate" I replied as I watched her take out her lunch.

"Delicate?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah, it's the nicer way of calling you weak" we both chuckled a little. There was a few minutes of silence as Yuna ate her food. I was busy staring at the students who left and entered the school building when a sudden shadow covered me. I looked up and I saw the principal staring at me.

"Oh hey sir" I greeted and he was smiling.

"Hello Y/n I just wanted to thank you for delivering the package to my aunt, as you know it was important" He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out an envelope.

"What's that?" I asked as he handed it too me.

"I'm not quite sure, My aunt handed it to me when I visited earlier this morning. She said it was for you so I agreed to deliver it since you did a such a good job yesterday" I looked at the white envelope before I nodded at the principal.

"I see" I responded as I put the envelope in my pocket.

"Mhm, class starts soon, you two better get going" We nodded as we got up from the bench and left the principal.

"You delivered a package?" Yuna suddenly asked as we went inside the school building.

"Yeah, it was some medication for some girl named Mina" I responded as I ran my finger along the envelope in my pocket.

"Oh! Well that's good, at least you have a good heart" Yuna responded as she poked my chest.

"I don't know about that, I think it's more Sana who has it, we spent hours looking and I wanted to just go home, but she forced me to continue searching" I chuckled and Yuna chuckled along.

"Yeah that sounds more like you, also you're getting fat, you need to exercise" I groaned at Yuna's statement.

"Not you two, Sana already has commented on my weight, I'll sort it out, don't worry"

"Good I don't want my future husband to be fat" I choked on my own spit when I heard her.

"What? In your dreams, I'm too old for you... also you're like a little sister too me" I looked at her and she was messing with her bangs.

"You're only two years older, also I'm not talking we'll get married now, it will obviously be a few years from now silly" Yuna grabbed my arm and of course right as she did Nayeon came around the corner. She stared at me then she stared at Yuna and what Yuna was doing. In a surge of panic, I yanked my arm out if Yuna's grip. Nayeon looked at me and rolled her eyes before she walked on. I sighed and looked over at Yuna. Her usually smile was gone as I saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yun-" before I got to say her name she took of running down the hall.

"My... My Y/n what a ruthless playboy you are" I turned around and I saw Sana with some random guy.

"I didn't mean to upset her, and get off my case Sana. You're with a different guy every week..." The guy turned and looked at Sana before he yanked his arm away and walked off. Sana stood there dumbfounded as her boy toy left her.

"Why would you say that! I spent all day trying to convince him!" Sana looked upset.

"Oh I thought you could get anyone you wanted immediately, so it's not a problem" I replied and she frowned.

"It's not a problem, but didn't you see how fucking hot he was?! You owe me some dick" She walked up to me and grabbed my wrist before she dragged me after her down the hall.

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