Chapter Two

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We had just arrived downtown and that's when we had realized he didn't actually give us an actual address.

"A sushi place... does he realize downtown is filled with them?" I complained as we walked around downtown looking for it.

"Well he did say the sushi place was run by a old lady, so it should narrow it down right?" Sana replied as she turned her head left and right looking for possible locations that could be where we needed to go.

"Yeah except for the fact that we have no clue, who runs what sushi place" I countered,

"Okay then let's just go inside every sushi place then" Sana suggested and I stopped.

"Why do we have to do this? Can't we like just leave the box here and say we delivered it?" I suggested and Sana shook her head at me.

"That's like begging for trouble, he will find out for sure, come on let's just get this done and then we'll go over to yours and hangout" Sana came over and took the box out my hands. 

"Fuck fine... let's just do this dumb task then.." We walked around for hours entering every sushi place we saw until we finally found the place. It was a very small sushi restaurant at the corner of a apartment building.

"If this isn't it then I'm just gonna go home..." I said and Sana glared at me.

"What?" I asked as I wasn't used to her giving me such a look.

"Why are you so whiny today? You have only been complaining today" Sana asked as she opened the door.

"I have not?! I just... I'm just tired okay? Too much walking for me" I replied as we entered the sushi place.

"Well you better cheer up, I don't want you to snap at a old lady" She responded as we stepped up too the counter, There was a old man sitting there reading the newspaper. Sana cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Ehem..." The old man looked up and stared right at us.

"Yes?" He asked as he folded the newspaper.

"Uhm... is this place run by a old lady?" Sana asked in a sweet tone, I couldn't help but to smile a little. I might be her best friend but she definitely knows how to be so overly cute even I can't resist her.

"Yes, Ms Tanaka owns this place. How come you ask young lady?" He stood up and Sana put the box on the counter.

"We're here to deliver a package to her" He looked kinda surprised.

"Why you? Usually Mr Sato comes and delivers this"

"Mr Sato is our principal, he asked us to do this for him since he was busy" I replied, it wasn't exactly wrong, but I decided to keep the punishment part out so it would go smoothly.

"I see, let me get Ms Tanaka. Just a moment" The old guy walked into the backroom. We stood around and waited for a couple of minutes until a small old lady came out from the backroom.

"Ah my delivery, could you two come help me carry it?" Her tone was cheerful and warm, I wasn't really for it, but Sana of course picked up the box and followed behind her. I didn't wanna be alone with the old dude so I followed after them into the backroom. There was a staircase that led up to the second floor. Once we got up there it wasn't a sushi place anymore, it looked like a cozy apartment woth tons of dated decorations. Reminded me a lot of my own grandparents place.

"In here" Ms tanaka said as she opened a door. We followed her inside and there was a bed which had someone laying in it. We couldn't tell who as they we're hiding under the covers.

"Mina? My dear? These kind people have come to deliver your medicine" Ms Tanaka gestured to put the box down onto a small table in the corner. I stood and watched quietly from the doorway as Ms Tanaka pull the cover off the girl. My eyes widened slightly as this beautiful girl looked at me before she sat up in bed. She was pale like a ghost but her features were perfect. Sana noticed me staring and I felt I pain in my arm as she pinched it,

"Ouch... why?!" I whispered. Sana just gave me a annoyed look as Ms Tanaka came over.

"So tell me, what is your names?" The old lady as she walked over to the table where the box was sitting.

"Oh I'm Minatozaki Sana and that's Y/n" Sana pointed at me and Ms Tanaka nodded.

"Hmm well, Usually Mr Sato helps me with this, since it's kind of a two person job, so could one of you assist me?" Ms Tanaka asked in a kind tone as she pulled out some vials and needles from the box.

"Y/n why don't you do it?" Sana suggested with a smug look on her face.

"Me? Shouldn't you do it? You have a woman's touch or whatever it's called" I didn't want to do it.

"I can't do needles, I'll faint Y/n you know that" Sana said as she crossed her arms.

"Fine..." I replied as I followed Ms Tanaka over to the bed.

"Good, please can you hold Mina's arm still as I inject her medication?" I nodded and gently took her pale arm. It was cold and she was shaking. I glanced over at Sana and she was busy on her phone. I glanced up at Mina and we made eye contact she quickly looked away as her pale face turned a slight shade of pink.

"Okay Mina, it only hurts for a second" Ms Tanaka said as she placed the needle into her arm. A couple injections later, I was allowed to let go off Mina's arm.

"Thank you, very much for the help Y/n" Ms Tanaka said and I nodded at her.

"You're welcome" I replied trying to be polite.

"Mhm, feel free to come here to eat whenever you'd like. I'll give you two a discount since you're so understanding and helpful" Ms Tanaka said as she walked over to the doorway.

"Thank you Ms Tanaka" Sana replied as she put her phone in her back pocket.

"Well let's go home, I'm so tired" I said as I stretched my arms out.

"Yeah sure, say goodbye to your patient" Sana chuckled as she pointed behind me. I turned around and I saw Mina was staring right at me.

"Oh... heheh, yeah uh Nice to meet you Mina, Bye" I gave a little wave and she gave a small nod in return. Sana waved too as we left the room and went downstairs were Ms Tanaka was waiting. We waved goodbye to her and the old guy before we left the sushi place.

"Lucky you Y/n, that Mina girl was pretty. Shame I can't handle needles otherwise I'd do it myself" Sana bit her lip and I knew her mind wandered off to dirty places.

"Jeez calm your hormones Sana. You're acting like I made out with her or something, all I did was hold her arm for a few minutes... not even in like a romantic way" I replied as I flicked Sana's forehead.

"Ouchieee, yeah, but didn't you see her face blush and how she stared at you? She totally liked you!" I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Okay and? Like I'm not gonna date the sick and bedbound girl, it just doesn't feel right. Also I have my heart focused on a different girl anyways" I said as I thought about Nayeon.

"Oh you like me? How sweet too bad, I'd never date you" Sana chuckled and I frowned.

"Not you, idiot. I'm talking about Nayeon" I replied

"Hey, words hurt you know? Also I was just joking... I know you like Nayeon. I still think she's out of your league though, not to be rude" Sana poked my stomach and giggled.

"Oh come on, that's not fair! Yeah I've put on a few pounds, but I wouldn't say that's a problem!" I argued trying to convince myself I had a chance.

"Yeah sure... do you know how many guys have six packs? She's just gonna choose a better looking guy if you don't hurry and get in shape" Sana said as she pokes my stomach again.

"Hey stop it, I've been trying okay?" I was feeling my self esteem drop for each word that came put her mouth.

"Sex is good exercise, you know?"

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