Chapter Thirteen

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I found myself back at the park I was last night. I looked around and it was all dark with a couple light lampposts illuminating the dirt path that lead through the park. Faint crying could be heard in the distance. Curiosity got the better of me. I followed the sound of the crying and after walked a little distance I spotted a girl curled up on the ground.

"Uhm hey you okay?" I asked as I approached the girl. She didn't respond she just kept sobbing. I wasn't good at cheering up people who cried but I couldn't just leave this person all alone here at night.  I knelt down and tapped their shoulder.

"Hey? You okay? Want me to help you home?" No response still. I felt myself getting impatient and I helped her up so she wasn't laying on the ground at least. Her hands and hair covered her face and I couldn't get a good look at her.

"Hey it's okay nobody can hurt you, you're safe now" I gently removed the crying girls hair away from her face so I could get a better look. She was covering her face with her hands but I recognised those eyes immediately when we made eye contact.

"Nayeon?!" I said in a shocked tone as she put her hands down and looked at me.

"How could you!? You made me look so stupid! You're the worst boyfriend ever!!!" She pushed me and took off running. I instinctively ran after her but she was inhumanly fast. I spotted her sitting on a bench and I jogged over.

"Nayeon I- I didn't mean it!" I knelt down in front of her and I took another look at her face. My eyes widened as it wasn't Nayeon sitting there anymore it was Sana.

"Nayeon?... that's the only one you can think about huh? Y-You left me! I'm you're bestie since childhood! You have no heart Y/n!" Tears ran down Sana's face as her lip quivered.

"Sana I- It wasn't like that?! I just had a bad day and the timing was all bad... I never meant to upset you!" I grabbed onto her hands but she yanked them away. She got up and walked away. I watched as she walked but she didn't make it far. She collapsed onto the ground and I quickly ran over and help her up.

"Hey! Hey Sana are you alright?"

"S-Sana?..." She looked at me and I was eye to eye with Mina. She looked awful. She looked sicker then she's ever been.

"Mina?" Her lip quivered as she weakly cupped my cheeks.

"S-Sana? Why?... W-Why you s-say someone else's name?" I felt bad.

"Mina, I saw my friend Sana just earlier I thought you was her, I'm sorry! Why are you here? You should he in hospital? You look sick!" She gave me a weak smile.

"I w-want to s-see you... m-my love..." I felt my heart beating faster.

"Your l-love?" I was panicking, I never was in a relationship with Mina. I just... ugh! why can't I ever just not have drama in my life.

"Y-Yes? W-We kissed r-remember... I have t-too feel y-your lips again, please... I-I love you" I couldn't explain it but I felt butterflies in my stomach when I heard her say that. forget Nayeon! I can't help myself. I cupped her cheek and we both leaned forward. Our lips connected and a feeling of ecstasy in my body. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and when I opened them I was staring eye to eye with Yuna. I quickly pulled away and I was back in my bedroom.

"I-... oh... uhm..." Yuna's face was red like a tomato as she touched her lips. She broke the eye contact as she looked down at the mattress. A sudden big smile formed on her face as she tackled me.

"Good morning to you too Oppa!!" She kept jumping up and down on me shaking me vigorously.

"Yah! you two are play fighting without me!?" I heard Momo whine as she jumped on the bed.

"HUH?!" was all I could say as I was still freaking out about kissing Yuna on accident.

"Hahhaha Momo Oppa kissed me!!!" Momo stopped and looked at me with a glare.

"Eh?! BAKA YOU HAVE GIRLFRIEND!" She smacked the top of my head. I didn't know what to say, if I say it was just a dream and I dream I was kissing someone else. Yuna will be hurt again, but if I don't say anything Momo might say it to Nayeon and she'll be even more upset with me! Arrghhh, Damn you dreams!!!

"I... I uhm no comment... heh..." I definitely dug myself into a hole with that comment. I'll just have to talk with Momo for a second alone hmm... I quickly pulled Yuna close and I began to whisper in her ear.

"Hey... Sweetie could you go downstairs and help my mom with breakfast? I need to talk to Momo real quick. If you're good I'll let you sit in my lap" Yuna quickly sat up and nodded her head. Both me and Momo watched as Yuna took off running out the room.

"What the hell Y/n... how can you do this to Nayeon?" I sat up and I looked at Momo.

"Listen Momo, I kissed Yuna on accident okay? I was dreaming about Nayeon and I kissed her in my dream then I woke up to me kissing Yuna" I was for sure not gonna say that I was kissing Mina. Momo is already annoyed with me and I don't need more problems.

"Right... why was she in your bed anyways? She was sleeping on the floor when I went to bed last night" Momo crossed her arms and I sighed.

"Listen, I when I left to go eat outside. I ran into Nayeon and she was eating sushi with some guy. I confronted her since she said she was gonna be with her family and she wasn't. She said it was her brother and she got super angry with me because I caused a scene. Then Sana called me crying saying her date ditched her and I had to go get her, but I couldn't because I wanted to go see my friend who's in hospital. Sana got mad and blocked me and I came home late at night. Then Yuna was awake waiting for me okay?" Momo was quiet for a second as she processes everything I said.

"I see a long night huh?... Wait! Nayeon doesn't have a brother that I know of?"

"She doesn't?!" I furrowed my brows as I felt lied to.

"Yeah! She's never mentioned any sibling ever while I've been around at least" Momo replied as she rubbed her temple.

"Wait so she could really have a brother?" I was confused.

"I don't think so, wait I'll ask around at practice tonight" I nodded at her

"Okay thanks, I still have to apologize to Sana, She's probably still mad at me" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Okay I'll deal with the Nayeon situation and You deal with Sana for now, But she's easy to make happy again. Just get her a stuffed animal and some chocolate and she'll be back to her old self" Momo chuckled at me and I chuckled a little back.

"Yeah you're right heh..." Yuna suddenly showed up in the doorway.

"Hey guys! Pancakes are ready!" Momo Jumped off the bed as soon as she heard the word pancakes.

"FOOOD!!!" Momo cheered as she ran out the room. I just chuckled and shook my head as I got off the bed.

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