Chapter Nine

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I was walking to school when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I asked as I turned around. I froze for a second as I saw Nayeon standing in front of me.

"Hey!" She happily greeted and I began to panic a little.

"Yo" I replied as I tried to keep my composure, it was way to early for this. There was an awkward moment of silence where we just looked at each other.

"Nice to see you again" I spoke out as I turned around and began walking.

"Uh wait!" Nayeon ran in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I looked at her and she looked straight at me.

"Ok... I can't get the moment at the dance practice out my head. You're seriously not a player?" She looked desperate yet determined to find out the answer.

"Of course, why would I lie..." I gave her a equally serious look in return.

"But, that was such a player move!" She got closer and our face was inches apart.

"I'm not a player Nayeon! I told you this, I explained everything to you and that moment at the dance practice was just me taking a risk to see if you liked me or not!" I began to get annoyed as she called me a player. It was not the image I want to portray.

"Oh... well then... fine! I believe you okay?! I like you back okay? I just see you with a bunch of girls, so I had to make sure, before I get my heart broken" She put her head down and I got the bright idea of finishing what I started at the dance practice. I gently lifted her chin up and we made eye contact.

"Don't worry, I won't break your heart" I winked before I pressed my lips against hers. There was a split second of resistance but she started kissing back as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed for a while until our make out session got interrupted by a very familiar voice.

"My oh my... looks like Y/n got his queen after all" We broke the kiss and Sana was standing there looking at us. Nayeon started blushing and I smirked as I wrapped my arm around Nayeon.

"Of course, every king needs a queen right?" I chuckled and Sana rolled her eyes.

"Mhm whatever you say. Anyways we should hurry class starts soon" Sana began walking and I looked at Nayeon. She was already looking at me and I just shrugged my shoulders as I began walking with her.

The school day went by as normal, well except for the fact Nayeon was by my side the whole time. I loved it, I felt like I really struck gold as we walked home to my place.

"What's that?" Nayeon pointed at a big stream of black smoke that came a little further down the neighborhood.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like a barbecue" I replied as we continued walking home to mine. We got come and I a lot of talking was coming from the living room.

"Huh?..." I mumbled to myself as me and Nayeon took our shoes off.

"Thank you so much for doing this for us Ms Hirai" the voice was familiar, but I couldn't recall where I'd heard it.

"No worries Mr and Ms Shin, it's a very unfortunate event and I'm glad I can help" Me and Nayeon went into the living where where I saw Yuna and her parents standing there.

"Oh shit..."

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