Chapter 34: The Want

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Everyone had spent that morning getting ready for tonight's festivities. When Hoseok and Jimin told everyone about the idea they had, everyone was on board and all had there own little ideas so they decided to make a night out of it. Movies, food, snacks, drinks. They were excited to have some fun together and they felt like they all kind of needed breather from all hiding,traveling and drama from the place few days. To them a romantic night next to a fire under the stars was a just what they needed.

The front doors to the mansion sat open for those going in and out. Aurora felt the soft cool breeze touch her cheeks as skipped down the stairs, happily excited for tonight. Jogging over, she jumps into Jungkook's arms.

"Hey, Kook."
He giggled at her, can't get over how cute she is. "Hey."

"What all has everyone set up?" I asks.

"Well, Namjoons helping Jimin collect the firewood." "Seokjin and Yoongi-Hyung thought it be cool to set up a projector and watch movies so that's what there doing."

"Oh, that sounds like so much fun."

"Wanna help me bring out the rest of the stuff?" Kook ask sweetly.

"Sure, what all do we need to grab?" I asked as I pushed through the kitchen doors.

When I turned around; Jungkook was standing incredibly close causing me to jump back a little but Jungkook wrapped an arm around me quickly, holding me against his chest.

I blushed up at the handsome boy." "Kook?" I giggled. "I've missed you." He smiled sweetly down at me. "I'm right here." I cooed softly.

Jungkook then picks you up, making you gasp in surprise and carrying you over to the nearest counter and sat you on it. You can't help but giggle in excitement. It's been awhile since you and Jungkook had been alone together. And this came out of nowhere which made it that much more enticing. You gaze into Jungkook sweet yet mischievous eyes.

"W-what is it, Kook?"
"Oh, you're just so beautiful Aurora." He says holding your gaze.

Your blush deepen and you try to look away but Jungkook doesn't let you by lightly taking your chin between his fingertips.

"Kiss me." He whispers.

Your heart is racing and you can feel the heat starting to radiate through your body. For some reason you're feeling a little nervous but it's over shadowed by the thrill running through your chest. The urge to kiss Jungkooks sweet soft lips was becoming overpowering, was becoming something you needed desperately. You cup his cheek with your palm ever so lightly and lean in slowly placing a sweet kiss on his lips. Holding it for a second, allowing yourself to linger on the feeling. You then pull away, wanting so much more. That's when Jungkook laces his fingers in your hair and pulls you into a rushed kiss. It was messy but sweet. The kiss was urgent and you immediately matched his yearning desire. Sloppy wet sounds and heavy breathing can be heard throughout the whole room. Both of your hands roaming over each others body's desperate for more. His moving from your thighs to your back. Yours caressing his arms to lacing your fingers in his hair, tugging softly at the roots causing a groan to escape the back of his throat. This made you giggle from the excitement twisting in your tummy. The need to feel each other so much.

"Now, what do we have here?" A voice called from the door way.

You and Jungkook both jumped slightly, pulling away from each other, turning your attention to the door where there was a smirking Seokjin with his arms across his chest, making his shoulders looks even more broad then normal.

Hyungie, we were just.
"Oppa, we just-"

They both began to speak. Aurora was for some unknown reason felt that's she needed to explain herself, like she was in trouble but Seokjin raised a hand, "oh, it's fine."You just couldn't help yourselves, huh?" He slyly spoke as he made his way across the room.

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