Chapter 5: Close Encounter

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    WARNING: contains violent imagery

It had been a nice day. The sun shined softly through the clouds as the day went on but around 4'oclock the clouds got heavier and dark displaying that were was a storm appoarching. The earth had a sweet, earthy smell to it.  As the clouds rolled in we decided to head to the small just a few blocks away before the rain started. Right as we turn the corner, I swear I saw this guy follow us to the mall but it possible he was just trying to avoid the rain as well.

"Tae, did you see that guy?" I asked, bring him closer to me.

He perked his head up to take in the crowd around us. "What guy?" He asked.

"I looked in the direction I saw the man last and of course he was no longer insight. "Do you see him?" Taehyung asked looking in the same direction. I reluctently answered, "No."

"Maybe you're seeing stuff, Kits." Namjoon retorted. At this point, I didn't care what he had to say. I just rolled my eyes in response and continued looking around. "Oh, no smartass remark." He smirked down at me. "Namjoon, honestly grow the hell up." I snapped back. His demeanor changed

"What? No smartass remark?" I said making him eat his words before bumping into him as I walked away.

"Honestly, Joon. You could let up on her a little bit." Taehyung told him. "Yeah, you're literally the only one who gives her a hard time," Hoseok butt in. "You don't treat anyone else like that." Hoseok continued. Namjoon just stood there with his head slightly tilted down, biting on his inner cheek.

"Was she right earlier," Seokjin joined in. "Is our big bad wolf hiding his attraction?" He teased poking his cheek. Namjoon swat his hand away not answering him.

"Awh our big bad wolf has a crush on our cute "little fox"." Seokjin teased. Namjoon grabbed him by the shirt. "Shut the hell up." Namjoon said as a little red sparkled across his eyes. "Oh, I'm so scared." Seokjin smirked.

"Guys, stop you are making a scene," Hoseok said. Reluctantly, the boys broke apart.

Taehyung started looking around for Aurora. Worry started bubbling in his stomach. "Did anyone see where Aurora went?" He asked with anxiety touching the tip of his tongue. "Who cares." Namjoon whispered. "Uh, you do." Seokjin smirked causing him to roll his eyes.

"Guys, stop it!" Taehyung yelled at them. "Seriously, I don't see her." He pleaded. This caused worry in all of the boys. Yes, they barely new her but she was with them, and now she's not. She's alone somewhere in this huge mall and she was just talking about a sketchy man who might have followed them in here.

"We should split up to look for her. That way we can cover more ground and find her faster" Taehyung stated. They all agreed and went in different directions.

Honestly, what is his problem. He is literally only rude to me. I mean I barely know him at all. Normal people just say hi when you first meet them but no not him. He's so intitled, the biggest alpha-male I have ever seen. I have literally done nothing to him. The rest of the boy are nice so why does he feel the need to be an ass. My blood is boiling at the point. I decided to walk into this clothing store that I was passing by to distract myself from the rage bubbling in my stomach.

I look through the clothes and found this really cute off the shoulder, light blue sundress. It had sunflowers and roses lining the edges of it. It was a little different from my normal style but I decided give it a try.

As I make my way to the dressing room, I feel a chill run up my spine and start to look around but don't see anyone in my general area.  I contine towards the dressing room still with this omnious feeling running over me. The thunder was rumbling hard by now obscuring my hearing. I open the curtain I close it behind me. I peal off my shirt before my pants. I go to unbottum them, I look up and without warning, I'm thrown agaisnt the wall and held up on my toes, by my neck.

I open my eyes to meet the eyes of the man I saw earlier.

"You weak, Kits slut." He growled against my ear. "You really thought all those pricks could protect you." I couldn't breath, he was restricting my air flow and was becoming light-headed. I started to feel his hand drift down my body. I began to fight back, no way was I going to let this scumbag do this to me. I gather all of my strength and punch in the face causing him to stumble back.

"You bitch," He spat some blood out. I quickly landed another one and another. I could feel a fire start to bubble within me. "Oh no , you don't." He said as I saw his eyes turned a crystal blue color, he quickly landed a jab to my stomach causing me to tumble over, gasping for air. He then grabs a handful of my hair throws my face agaisnt the mirror.

I wake up in the car, rain falling down hard against it. A bright light casually sparking through the windows. I realize, I am between Hoseok, Tae and Jimin. Yoongi was driving at a fast pace with Seokjin in the passanger seat. Taehyung and Hoseok were holding me extremely close. Everyone was completely silent , no music, no nothing. Just the sound of the rain and thunder outside.

"Tae." I whispered groggy. "Hey, lay still were almost back to the castle." He quietly spoke still holding me tight. I groaned in pain. My neck was sore.  I then remembered being through agasint the mirror and that was it.

"Wait, Tae what happened to me?" I asked sitting up.

"Sssh, Aurora." Hoseok cooed to me. "Calm down.  We'll explain everything when we get home, okay." He said taking my hand. I sit back against my seat, I quickly look behind me and Jungkook was there but Namjoon wasn't.

"Where's Namjoon?" I asked Tae quietly. "Like I said we'll explain when we get back okay. We're only a few minutes away." His voice was calm but his eyes covered in worry.

After a few minutes, we are pulling up to and driving through the gates of Castle Jordan. Dr. Chambers waiting outside with an umbrella. He opens up the car door. I'm quickly scooped up by Taehyung carrying me inside.

"Where do you want her?" He asked Dr.Chambers. "The front livingroom."Dr. Chambers said follwing them inside.

Taehyung sat me down carefully on the couch. Everyone following behind and took a seat all around the living area. Dr.Chambers walked over with what looked like a first aid kit.

"Will someone now explained to me about what happened to me?" "Why is everyone on edge." I asked.

"You were attacked." Dr. Chambers awnswered as he carefully cleaning the wound on my forehead. "I'm aware of that but what all happened." I demanded a straight answer.

"I think we should let Namjoon explain when he gets back." He explained as he put a bandage to my forehead. "And why is that?" I asked irritated. "Because if he hadn't found you, you'd surffering from more then just a head injury." Jungkook breathed out before exiting the room.

"Where is he?" I asked softly. "Dealing with the problem." Dr. Chambers answered packing up his kit. "But for now, Taehyung and Hoseok will you help Aurora up to her room." He demanded more then anything else. "You should take a shower." Dr. Chambers recommended. I nodded as the boys helped me off the couch.

We make it up to my room. "I think I can manager from here guys. Thanks," I insisted.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked sweetly.

"Yes, I'm more then capable of undressing myself." I smiled softly

"Okay, if you need anything just call up to either of our rooms," Hoseok explained kindly. "I promise I will," I smiled before closing the door behind me.

I walk into my bathroom and lean over to turn on the shower. It was still raining hard outside and every other minute there was a loud crash. I unzip the jacket that had been put on me. My eyes slip down my body. Starting at the bandaged wounded on my forehead then the 3 bruises on my neck, down towards the huge bruise that decorated my abdomen. I contiune to undress and hop in the shower.

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