Chapter 3: Dinner Meeting

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"Hey, Taehyung Hyung." Jungkook greeted him with a smile.

Namjoon made his way to me until he was directly in front of me. He stood a lot taller then I was but it didn't intimidate me.  "So why is it hard for others to sense you" He asked again cocking an eyebrow with his arms across his chest.
"What makes you so special." He spat.

"Well, aren't you nice." I thought to myself.

"It has to do with my fox spirit," I answered casually unbothered. "And you think that makes you "unique" or something." He spat. "I don't but you certainly do," I smirked. I noticed his jaw clench.

"You wish, Kits." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Ha, okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night, puppers." His mouth slightly gabbed at the name.

The other three are glued in on the tension between us. Two others show up as well but we didn't notice.

"I smelt the drama." One of the new faces whispered to Jimin.

"I know right." His friend said agreeing with a smirk.


Dr. Chambers gracefully walked over. "Sorry, to interrupt everyone but it is, in fact, dinner time if you would join me in the dining room." He spoke politely bowing before leading us into that direction.

I lightly shouldered Namjoon before grabbing Taehyung by the arm and following Dr. Chambers into the dining room. I could hear little chuckles and whispers as I did so. We were greeted by a huge glass table dressing in beautiful table wear. Each placemat had a name to it.

I was seated on the left-hand side across from Jimin. Everyone casually took their seat as Dr.Chambers stood at the end of the table and everyone focused on him as he began to speak.

" Hello, everyone before we start. I'd like to officially welcome all of you to Castle Jordan. As you already know I am Dr. Chambers. I am your host and caretaker. I'm here to an help with anything you need and listen to your complaints and prove as much comfort as possible."

" To re-inform everyone why you are. This an experiment to prove to society that we can all come together and be a whole nation. That's why each and every one of you were selected to come here." "To represent each race." "It's a heavy burden but a burden that must be shared."

Everyone was well aware of why we were all here but some didn't seem to be as happy as others. I was more than happy to oblige considering I really didn't a choice in the matter. Being the only female kitsune to exist at the moment.

"Dr.Chambers, permission to speak?"  "Of course, Master Seokjin." We all looked in his direction. "Are there any specific rules for staying at Castle Jordan?" The handsome tall, lean man asked at the end of the table.

"I will be explaining them tomorrow after breakfast." "For tonight, I just want everyone to relax and get settled in." Dr. Chambers answered intently and politely.

"Okay before we bring out everyone's ideal food. I'd like everyone to stand up and introduce themselves." Dr. Chambers spoke with a friendly smile.

"Is that really necessary, Dr.Chambers?" The handsome man next Jimin asked.

"It is indeed, Master Hoseok. It's important for everyone to get to know each other." He answered back kindly with a hint of firmness. "On that note, will you start for us then," Dr.Chambers asked politely. He reluctantly stood up tall.

"Well okay. Hi everyone. I'm Hoseok but you're more than welcome to call me Hobi. I'm 23. I like rain and I represent the Griffen race." He explained smoothly.

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