Chapter 25: Innamorato

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Contain warning: Alcohol and violence

It was finally Sunday morning, Dr. Chambers was going to escort a broken nosed Jeonghan to the airport. We were downstairs to say goodbye but none us really said anything to him. We were just there for Dr. Chambers sake. It was nice to watch Jeonghan do the "walk of shame". He was an ass the whole time the whole time he was here and when someone final gave him a taste of his own medicine, he had nothing to say. Just walked out the door with his tail between his legs and it felt good to watch.

"I will be back in a few hours everyone. Sadly, the staff is off so you will have to get together for meals." Dr.Chamber said

"No worries, Dr. Chambers." Yoongi smiled.

"I should be back in a few hours."

"Drive safe!" Hoseok waved as Dr. Chambers smiles before he shuts the door behind him.

"Thank God. I'm so happy he's gone." Yoongi exhaled.

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh. "couldn't agree more."

"Trust me, I know how y'all feel," I said.

"I guess he was the worst to you." Yoongi began. "I'm sorry, Aurora."

"It's okay, Yoongs.

"Hey, feathers." I called.
"Yeah?" Hoseok perked up.

"Thank you for what you said last night..

"I was just being honest."
"Speaking of, I think there something we all need to talk about." Hoseok announced.

"Okay, where to?" Namjoon asked.

"Let's go to the study on second floor."

"Okay, lead the way Hyung," Jungkook said following behind Hoseok.

We all followed closely behind Hoseok. In are own little groups, talking amongst each other.
I was walking with Namjoon and Jimin. Jimin was holding onto my hand tightly.

"What do you think he needs to talk to us about?" He whispered.

"Not sure." I shrugged.

"Did my "confession" bother him?"
"Oh, I don't think so, Min." Namjoon said who was also holding Jimin's hand.

"I don't think that's what this is about," he smiled.

"Then what?" Jimin looked up to him.

"Well, you love Aurora, she loves you but you also love Seokjin and I also love you." Namjoon explained softly.

I was actually kind of surprised by how honest, opened and vulnerable Namjoon was being, it made me smile and it caused warmth to grow over my heart and skin.

"But that's enough for now, I have a pretty good feeling on what this is going to be about." He smiled.

Okay and well- I love you too, Joon Hyung." Jimin whispered looking down so Namjoon wouldn't see how red his cheeks were.

Soon, we're making a right and straight ahead was the study, that Hoseok was leading us to. Hoseok held the door open for everyone, making sure we all made it in.

There were 2 couches and one love seat and we all took a seat along with Hoseok.

"So what is it, that you wanted to talk about, Hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Well first things first, at the end of this if there's anyone who has an issue with something, please- and I mean please speak up, okay.

"Okay, hyung. I think we all understand." Jungkook answered.

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