•Chapter 38•

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The three boys a rounded the corner toward the stairs in a slight rush. They look up to see Aurora and Seokjin coming down the stairs.

"Good, you too are awake. Have you seen anyone else this morning?" Namjoon asked.

"I think the others are still asleep, why? What's going on? Aurora asked meeting Namjoon where he stood.

"We all need to talk." Jungkook said matter a factly.

"Okay, I'll get the others." Soekjin furrowed his brow as he turned to head back up the stairs.

"What's the matter?" Aurora looked up at the boys as she stepped off the last stair.
"It's nothing to crazy but I feel like it should be talked about." Jimin replied.

After a few moments went by. The rest of the sleep boys made it down the stairs with Seokjin following behind.

A sleepy and pouty Taehyung grumped while holding his Hyungs hand. "Why did you guys wake us up so early?" Yoongi slightly smiled at Taehyung's pouting face.

"Hmp," Namjoon contemplated. "Let's head out back. "I don't want Dr.Chambers to hear us."

"What's wrong with Dr.Chambers over hearing us? "Hoseok yawned.

"Just come on." Jungkook said grabbing him by the hand and pulling him towards the front entrance. Everyone followed suite and headed outside.

The crisp air nipping at Aurora's skin causing her to cling to the closest person who just happened to be the person who radiated the most heat, Namjoon.

"You cold?" He chuckled. "Duh, puppers. It's freezing," she whined.

I think it feels nice," he said inhaling the air.
"And I think your crazy." She chuckled still holding on to him.

"Here." Namjoon says peeling off the sweatshirt he slept in and handing it to Aurora.

"Thanks Joon." She smiles while slipping the large piece of clothing over her body.

It's not that Aurora was petite or anything Namjoon was just a big guy.

The group continued around the corner toward they had there little party last night. Everyone still set up. So the ones who were the most sleepy were the first ones to sit down on the little pallets that were left. Once everyone was comfortable. The boys looked between each other waiting for someone to say something.

"So why was it better to come out here?" Hoseok asked while holding the youngest in his lap.
"Okay well Hobi-Hyung, you know how you said that Dr.Chambers was acting strange yesterday. " Jungkook began.


"Well me and Jimin caught him acting weird too." Namjoon added.
"Weird? Weird how?" Yoongi asked.
"Okay so when me and Jimin had left last night to go back inside-" Namjoon was slightly cut off.

"Oh yeah we're well aware of why." Taehyung joked cause Jimin cheeks to become flush.

"Tae." Aurora called his name and giving him a look.

"Sorry, Joon Hyung. Continue." Taehyung complied.

"Anyways," Namjoon said giving Taehyung a slight glare before continuing what he was saying. "Now when I opened the door, it was just a crack at first because I was actually trying not to be loud because I didn't know if Dr.Chambers was asleep or not and I didn't want to be rude. But when I peaked in, I saw him kind of glancing around the room and I heard him say "everyone should be outside now, I've got to do this now." Then that's when I let Jimin peak in and we watched him go off the side down this weird hallway. It's right by the stairs and super small. Me and Jimin hadn't even noticed it before." Namjoon explained.

"You didn't tell me about that." Jimin said.

"Well I didn't really think anything of it at the time or I didn't know what to think of it but it had been replaying in my head all night." Namjoon explained with brow furrowed.

"What I thought was weird when the door at the end of the hallway and there was no lighting. So it was pitch black." Jimin explained.

"Well why is that weird. Both you and Namjoon can see in the dark." Yoongi stated.

"Yeah I know it was just odd also the door was locked and me nor Namjoon could hear anything from inside the room. Literally nothing. Not creaking or a slight heartbeat." Jimin continue to explain. You could see the confusion spread across his brow just thinking about it again.

"Okay, I guess that does seem kind of weird. I mean how could y'all not even hear anything." Seokjin added. "But guys, that doesn't really sound like much."

"We know that's why we wanted everyone to start keeping an eye on him." Jungkook said. "For the next couple of day if you catch him leaving out of nowhere or see him acting strange or he just kind of disappears then we need to make sure we talk about it." Jungkook stated.

"Okay. Taehyung agreed. But we can't just follow the man around. That be weird and Dr.Chambers would definitely notice." Taehyung chuckled.

"You're right, so let's not go out of our away to follow him around. Just keep an eye on him. Jungkook said.

"Alright, we can do that." Aurora agreed. "Now is that all because it's freezing out here. Aurora said as her teeth chattered.

"Yeah, and I'm hungry." Jimin pouted.

"You too are adorable." Seokjin grinned.

"Yeah but Jimins cuter." Aurora said.

"No way.. you are." Jimin pouted.
"No you!" Aurora teased kissing the boys nose caused him to giggle.

"Ugh ew." Yoongi chuckled.

"What? they are cute," Taehyung smiled.

"Yeah yeah. We know." Yoongi said as he stood up. "Now let's head inside." Pulling Taehyung with him.

Everyone then followed suit, heading back inside. Where they were greeted by Dr.Chambers coming down the stairs.

"There you all are." I went to wake y'all up for breakfast. Dr.Chambers explained.

"Oh sorry about that. We all woke up a little early and we decided to go on a morning walk." Hoseok explained a little nervous looking back at the others.

"Yeah, it really pretty this morning." Aurora agreed.

"No worried now breakfast is ready for anyone who's hungry." Dr.Chambers said leading everyone into the dining room.

Everyone felt the nervousness being infront of Dr.Chambers and having to lie. It felt so weird having to act like everything was alright.

But Aurora was good at calming everyone nerves. She was good at acting like everything was alright. I mean she is a fox but she new that if they continue to act weird Dr.Chambers would start to expect something and she was right. So once she took the lead everyone followed her example. If anyone was good at keeping it together it was her.

May you will be what the boys always needed and soon everyone will realize that.

Hi Hi everyone! I know this is perfect but I wanted to give you guys something. I'm going to start posting more frequently now that I have an ideas on how I'm going to end this story.

As always I purple you my kitties!!💜💜

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