Chapter 28: Runaways 👀

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Dr. Chambers had sent up a morning call to everyone rooms. Saying that breakfast is mandatory because he has an announce to make and everyone needs to be there for it. Of course they were all intrigued and curious about what was going on so they listened to Dr.Chambers. Everyone headed downstairs to the dinning room for breakfast. Where they greeted Dr.Chambers already waiting at the end out the table.

"Good morning everyone, if you could each take a seat, I'll begin." Dr.Chambers requested and everyone began to take their seats.

Aurora, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin on one side with Jungkook, Taehyung, Seokjin and Yoongi to the other. All ready and tentatively listening to Dr.Chambers.

"So do to certain circumstance, we will be leaving Castle Jordan."

It was dead silence. You could hear a feather drop. Everyone looking to each in shock.

"What?" Namjoon questioned in disbelief.

"Dr.Chambers, why?" Yoongi spoke up.

"Yeah, why do we have to leave Castle Jordan?" Jimin asked wide eyed. "Did something happen!?" Jimin's voice gave away panic.

"Jimin, it's okay. We're okay," Aurora cooed sweetly. "Right, Dr.Chambers?" She asked a little worried.

"I will answer everyone's questions once I have finished explaining." He said flatly.

"We will be leaving in two days at 5 am. So everyone will need to pack as much as they can during that time period." He explained. "Does everyone understand?"

Everyone gave there own hesitant agreed responses.

"Now, for your question. Everything is fine. While under being my supervision, you will remain that way. We're leaving for everyone's safety. Castle Jordan has received a few disturbing calls and letters so with that being said we will be leaving and moving to a new safe destination."

"Are we moving to the safe house?" Hoseok asked a little nervous.

"No, Master Hoseok. The safe house is the last resort option. We all new the consequences for agreeing to the arrangement. So if one of our locations have been compromised we'll have to move to the next.

"Where are we moving to, Dr.Chambers and will we ever be coming back?" Taehyung asked.

"We will be departing for Poland in 48 hours and sadly, we will not be coming back to Castle Jordan."

"Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, Dr.Chambers we understand." Aurora answered after taking Namjoons hand in her.

"Good, now the most important thing is that everyone stay calm. Try to look at this as a vacation rather then an escape route.

Now, if there aren't any other questions please excuse me while your breakfast comes out, I need to make some phone calls.

No one really knew how to react so they ate their food in silence. Afterwards, everyone cleaned up and broke off in little groups.

"Kitz, can we talk?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Take a walk with me?"

"Okay," she smiled softly.

He led her outside, taking her by the hand, walking into the gardens. Walking down the stone path. Taking in the fresh air. Hints of rain and rose. Soothing each other. Stopping at the gazebo. Namjoon then pulls Aurora in very close, not wanting to let go.

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