Chapter 22: Just Visiting

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Aurora was on the first floor of the castle in one of the front living areas. Sitting on one of the window panes off to the left side of the room enjoying the affects of the late fall. Halloween was approaching and even though back in the old days humans used the holiday to ward off what they called "monsters and or evil", King Rowan helped the other creatures take it back. So it is now a holiday of celebration for everyone even humans who are grateful that they no longer live in such a toxic and closed mind set. So everyone in the castle was very excited for this coming up halloween.

Hoseok is making his way down the stairs, "Aurora"? he called out.

She perked up, "In here,' She answered looking toward the direction of the voice.

Greeting her with his bright smile, "Hey, whatcha doin?"

"Nothing really, just sitting here." She said.

"Ah, okay. Well, would you want to go into town with me and Jimin?"

"Sure, what for?"

"We want to pick up certain foods for halloween," He smiled.

"I thought Dr.Chambers was doing that," She asked.

"He's waiting for a family member of his to come by."

"A family member?

"Yeah, Dr.Chambers said he's visiting for Halloween. Plus, I wanted to do it anyway. Dr.Chambers already does so much." Hoseok's tone dropped a little.

"Still feel bad about asking him about his wife?" She asked.

"Yeah- but I kind did just want to go out with you and Jimin."

"Okay, yeah. I don't mind going. It's pretty outside anyway."

"Great! I'll go get Jimin and meet you back down here. And make sure to grab a jacket. It's a little cool outside today. " He said on his way to get Jimin.

As Aurora was making her way up the stairs, she remembered that she had a jacket in one the coat closet near the door.
"OH! Shi- that would have sucked ." She thought to herself.

She stood by the front door; scrolling through her phone, waiting for the two boys to stroll down the stair case.

"Aurora!" Called a sweet excited voice.
She looked up and it was Jimin smiling from ear to ear.

He was wear ripped jeans that hugged his beautiful sculpted thighs with black combat boots and a deep red long sleeve shirt and jean jacket. Which only situated his lean body more. He truly was beautiful.

You'd think by how happy he was, that he hadn't seen her in ages but he literally saw her at breakfast this morning.

Seeing how happy Jimin was to see her; made her feel so loved and she wondered from time to time, "what did I do to deserve all of this"

"Hi Mini!" She smiled as he jogged over to her.

"You ready to go?" Hoseok asked as he trailed behind Jimin.

"I am," Jimin smiled.

"Then I am too," she said taking Jimin's hand and heading out the door.

Hoseok took the driver seat and she let Jimin take passenger so he wouldn't feel lonely in the back. She also didn't want Hoseok to feel like a "taxi driver" with both of them sitting in the back. It still felt pretty normal. They conversated all the way into town while listening to there favorite songs. They pulled into the parking lot of their choice of supermarket. When they each stepped out of the car. Aurora wrapped her arm around Hoseoks bicep while holding Jimin hand before heading inside the store.

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