Chapter 7: Prophetic

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My eyes were tearing up. His hands wrapped around my neck, I couldn't breathe. I fought back but it wasn't enough. He hissed "Kits sluts" right against my ear. He was too close. His hot breath made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.  My chest was on fire, filled with anger. "They can't protect you." He mocked me. I couldn't let him do this. I called out for help as tears trickled down my cheeks, my voice was caught in my throat. He smiled darkly down at me. No one is coming for you.  I'm alone.

"HELP ME! PlEASE!" I cried and screamed as loud as I could.

"aurora. . ." A voice echoed at the back of my mind. It slowly began to break through my consciousness.

I blinked my eyes awake slowly, feeling disoriented.

"Aurora.  Aurora? . ." I look up and I was greeted with handsome yet concerned face hovering over me. 

"Tae?" I asked in my groggy mental state, rudding my eye.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me.

"Mhm. Why?" I asked sitting up. "I- Well I could hear you screaming." He explained looking at his hands.

"I was screaming?" I asked confused. "Yeah.. I could hear you saying help. ." He contiuned but not meeting my eyes. "But it wasn't out loud because I could still hear it when I was trying to make you up.

"W-wait. Hold on. Are you saying you could hear me in my dream?" I was very confused.   He nodded his head once.

"It woke me from my own sleep." "I almost thought it was apart of my dream but I could still hear it after I woke up." He explained.

"Well, I'll have to admit Tae. That's a new one for me." I answered crawling out of bed.

"Are you really okay? He asked sitting down on my window seat with me. I pulled my knees to my chest. Looking out the window. "Yeah. Just a bad dream is all," I shrugged.

"It was about earlier, wasn't?" He asked holding one of my hands. I nodded my head once. "But I'm okay. " I should of listened to you and I shouldn't have let you leave by yourself." His farrowed his brow. I could see the guilt and disappointment growing across his face.

"No, Tae. Don't blame yourself. I knew there was something going on but I let Joon get under my skin." I reassured him, giving his hand a light squeeze before letting go.

"I know you and him don't get along very well." "Eh, he's alright." I smiled softly out the window.

We sat up talking into the earlier hours of the morning. Taehyung and I enjoyed the light sound of the rain trickling down the window pane. We then heard a light knock on the door.

"You may come in," I called out to the person waiting patiently behind the door.

"Sorry for the early intrusion , Master Taehyung and Lady Aurora. Breakfast should be ready in 30 minutes." He explained kindly after walking in.

"Okay. Thank you, Dr. Chambers." I gave him a small smile.

"Dr. Chambers, you know you can just call me Tae." He childishly argued. " I'm well aware of that, Master Taehyung." He said bowing before exiting the room. "Dr.Chambers!" Taehyung whined out. I could help but giggle at him.

"Well, I'll meet you down there." Taehyung said walking towards the door. "Okay and Tae?" I said causing him to stop outside the door. "I- I just. hmm Thanks." I smiled softly.

"You're welcome." He smiled at me before walking away.

I washed my face and grabbed my soft green robe before heading down to breakfast.

I was strolling down the long hallways looking at all of the artwork on the walls. The castle was filled with old, large renaissance portaites. Some of scenery and people. All very beautiful. I turned a corner when I heard a voice call out to me. "Kits!"

I turned and it was Namjoon jogging over. "Hey, Puppers," I greeted. "You know you can call me Aurora," I explained to him jokingly.

"Well, you know you can call me Namjoon," He smirked down at me. "Touche, Puppers" I grinned. "Uhuh, that's what I thought, Kits."

"Hey, Guys!" We stopped and turned to see Hoseok and Seokjin approaching us. "Good morning." I smiled at them. "Well don't you look adorable, Aurora." Hoseok smiled walking over. "He's right. You look so cute in your pjs." He smiled drapping his arm over Hoseoks shoulders. I looked up to Namjoon and he looked displeased. I nudged him, "Hey, you okay?"

"Just fine." He scuffed before walking down the stairs alone.

"What's his problem?" Hoseok leaned towards me. I shrugged. "Did yall fight again?"

"No actually." I scowled. "Well whatever it is, he can get over it." I thought as we walked down the stairs into the foyer towards the dining room.

We walk in and everyone is alright at the table chatting up a storm besides Namjoon, who was sitting at the end of the table sulking low in his seat. I rolled my eyes as I took a seat between Jimin and Hoseok.

"Good morning, Aurora." Jimin smiled at me as I sat down.

"Morning Jimin." I smiled back. "How did you sleep?" He asked sweetly. I looked across the table to where Taehyung was. "I slept okay but could have been worse." Taehyung gave me a wink. Which made me snicker.

"Anyway, How about you?" I asked turning my focus back to the cute boy next to me.

"Oh I-" he started to say before a voice next to him cut him off. "I think he slept just fine," Yoongi smirked a little. Jimin looked down blushing.

"Hey, Fangs. Leave our cute Jiminie alone." I said leaving a kiss on Jimin's cheek which only made his blush grow brighter.

"Fangs? Seriously?" Yoongi chuckled.
"Don't fight it." I teased.

"Hey, what is my nickname?" Tae whined from across the table. "You said you'd tell me." He continued.

"And I will," I paused. "Someday." I winked at him. He just rolled his eyes and pouted. "So unfair."  I just giggled at his reaction as did Jimin and Yoongi.

"Hello, everyone." Our attention followed the sound of the calm, soft voice at the end of the table. "Breakfast will be served after we discuse the rules of the castle." Dr. Chamber greeted from the end of the table. We tuned in on what Dr.Chambers had to say.

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