Chapter 11: Crystal Clear👀

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I woke up to the loudest, chest shaking crash in the world. You know, I like rain as much as the next person but this was ridiculous. And is it just me or does it seem to rain here an unusual amount. I've been here a week so far and it stormed more then anything else. I can usually sleep through it but I've been really restless the past two days and the loud crashing tonight didn't help any. I crawled out of bed.

"I think I'm going to roam the castle for a little bit."
It's about 2:30 am and the castle is dead silent as the lightening and thunder crashes all around outside.

No lights were on but Dr.Chamber must have lite the hallways hurricane lamps and lanterns. The warm fire lightly danced softly across the the long walls and marble floor. Gracing the tops of my bare feet.

I found my self in the south wing of the castle. There was a huge stain glass window that looked over the river. The waves angry as the lighting struck it hard. I took in the fierceness of the storm and smiled soft at how beautifully dangerous it was. The lightening storm rumbled hard against the outside walls of the castle, leaving an inviting vibration against my skin.

I was to busy enjoying the storm raging outside to realizing that I wasn't actually alone.

" What are you doing up so late? A voice called, making me jump.

Heart stopping in my chest. " Jeez!" I turn to my left to see Seokjin sitting on a couch 15 feet away.

" Ha calm down scary-cat. It's just me." He chuckled as he got up.

" Why didn't you say anything?" I spat.

"Just did." He smirked which caused me to roll my eyes a little.

" But anyway, why are you up to late?" He asked.

" Oh, well the storm woke me." I answered looking out the window. "What about you?" "Why are you up?"

" Oh, I just enjoy watching the storm. It helps me sleep sometimes. I've fallen asleep here a few times actually." I looked to him as he explained.

" Ah okay." Do you have trouble sleeping? I admire his beautifully structured face.

" Sometimes, " he answered.

" Seokjin, can I say something?"

" Sure, what is it?" He looked down to me.

" You're very handsome." I smiled up to him.

" Well thank you, that's very sweet of you to say." He smiled out the window.

I for some reason didn't feel intimidated by how attractive he was. I mean it's not like I'm normally intimidated by those kind of people but anyone as handsome as Seokjin would make anyone nervous but he made me comfortable. It's not like he didn't know he was attractive but he was humble about it and it was refreshing.

" I hope you know that you're very pretty as well, Aurora." He said kind of taking me by surprise. "It's why everyone seems to linger around you." He grinned.

" And I'm the only girl." I chuckled.

" That's probably true too," He smiled.

" And what do you mean "everyone"? I looked up to him smiling small. "I mean aren't Jimin and Yoongi really only into you know each other." I said confused.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're into each but that doesn't mean they're not into you, Aurora." He laughed.

" But I thought Hoseok was the only one who was into both? "

" All three like guys and girl, Aurora." He smirked down at me. " And I know for a fact that they're all into you. "This caused a little blush to grow across my face but I tried my best to hide it.

" Okay, Seokjin. Whatever." I argued back.

" Is- is someone blushing," He teased.

" What? Um definitely not," I protested walking toward to the window.

" You totally are!" He giggles following behind me.
I turn around to argue but he had backed me up against the window causing my mouth to shut. His tall frame leaning over me.

" You know they're not the only ones who are in to you, by the way." He said tilting his head to the side. Bashing his eyelashes slowly.

" Seokjin-" I paused connecting my eyes to his chest not wanting to meet his eyes. He put two of his fingers under my chin titling it up to meet me eyes.

" What did I say about not being intimidated by how handsome he is. . ." Lie.

" It's Seokjin Oppa to you," he smirked darkly.

His irises which were once a dark chocolate brown now a soft crystal blue causing butterflies in my stomach. The cast of the lightening outside catching them  causing them be even more beautifully haunting. The rain rumbling on the window against my back causing my heart to beat rapidly.

" I find you very attractive, Aurora. Very cute and sexy." He clicked his tongue.

I found myself staring at his beautiful rosy-pink plush lips. This is wrong. . I've kissed Tae. And then I also did something with Namjoon. . I can't kiss Seokjin.. Can I?

" What's wrong, Aurora?" Seokjin whispered softly.
" I want to kiss you. ." I said not looking up.

" What's stopping you?" He grinned.

" Because I- I. ."

" Because you've already done things with Joon and Tae?" He smirked.

I looked up surprised. "How did you-" I was cut off by the warm soft embrace of Seokjin lips almost whimpering at the sudden feeling. His body pinning mine up against the window. Closer to each other then I ever thought possible. He bit my lower lips tugging it down to slip his tongue inside.

" This is wrong."
" I can't do this."
" I shouldn't do this."
" But I want to."
" He feels incredible."
" I don't want to stop."

I was having internal turmoil as Seokjin started deepening the kiss. He was now holding one of my legs over his hip, pressing hard against me. I couldn't stop him. He felt so good against me. I want more. I want him so bad. I want to feel good. Wanted, needed to make him feel good as well. A hunger was growing in the pit of my stomach.

He pulled away watching me follow his lips, wanting more. He smirked at me, I probably looking a mess.

" Aurora. " He spoke softly.

I looked up to him, eyes probably glossy.

" You feel so good," He cooed causing the hairs in my arms to stand up.

"But. ." He slipped my leg down.

" We can't do this if you feel guilty about the others." " I can feel it radiating off of you. " He explained.

I dropped my hands from his chest and didn't meet his eyes.

" When you don't feel that way anymore, we'll continue." He tucked his index finger under my chin to look up to him.

" Don't worry, okay. " " I'll take care of it." He said before turning around and walking away.

" Wait, what does that mean?" I called out.

" You'll see. He stopped to look over his shoulder.

" Goodnight, Aurora." " You should go back to bed soon as well." He said sweetly before turning a corner.

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