Chapter 33: He was Pretty

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The day had simmered down after all of the drama. What happened wasn't out of the ordinary. It was just things that happened every once in awhile. Jimin new that and so did everyone else. But it still wasn't easy even though Jimin was feeling much better after his bath and eating some lunch. But he was still a little upset with himself. Throughout the day even if he was have a great time with everyone, he couldn't help but remember seeing Hoseok unconscious on the bathroom floor and Aurora had noticed it all day. Sympathy washing over her. She needed to make him feel better even if she didn't exactly know how to do so.

Aurora went around to look for Jimin and when she found him he was sitting in the front room on the window seal. Just needing some time to think.

"Hey," I exhaled as I walk up to the boy.
"Oh hey, Aurora. What's up? He asked looking up to me.

"Nothing but would you maybe wanna go on a walk with me. Just to get out of the house." I asked with a soft smile. "Yeah, I'd like that." He said getting and putting on his shoes.

I didn't say anything as we put on our coats and headed outside. The property was huge. At one side, it was heavily wooded and the other was open plains and you could probably see the mansion for miles. So, we walked in that direction behind the mansion. I occasionally would glance at Jimin. His eyes remained ahead, the wing blowing his hair from his forehead exposing his beautiful features. The chill wind, touching his rosy cheeks. He literally was just the most wonderful thing.

"Aurora?" Jimin spoke.
"Yeah, Min?"

"How do I stop this part of me?" He asked stopping in his tracks.

"Jimin, you don't need to stop or change anything about yourself."

"But I don't want to hurt people." He sniffled. "Especially the ones I care about the most." He dropped his gaze to his feet.

"You listen to me, Jimin. I understand where you are coming from I've been there but there is nothing you need to change about yourself. We love you and we love everything that makes you who you are. Now, if you want to learn how to control your power; I will help you but don't you think for a second that any of us want you to change who you are. You understand?

"I understand." He smiled softly
"Come here," I said opening my arms to him. "And don't be afraid."

He leaned down and wrapped his warm arms around me holding me, giving me a light squeeze. I heard a small sniffle from him and when he let go, he chuckled as he whipped a tear away.

I reached up and helped whip away another tear with my sleeve, "such a beautiful boy." I cooed causing a more of a rosy blush on his cheek.

"Thanks," he smiled.
"Wanna continue walking?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah. It's pretty today." He smiled as he took a step forward.

"Listen, I'm sorry to ask but how was it?" I smiled.

He just scuffed," I was waiting to see how long it would take you to ask." He grinned.
"Well??" I nudged him.

"Well to be honest, ha." "It was sorta not what I was expecting but in the best way possible." He blush deepening at the memory.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up to him.

"I saw a side of Hoseok I hadn't seen before. At first, he seemed unbothered but then he kept teasing me until I couldn't take it anymore."

I was tuned into his story. My attention completely hanging on every word. Each one causing excitement in my chest wanting to know every single detail.

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