•Chapter 41•

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The rain had stopped and the earth was quiet. No sounds could be heard as everyone raced to save Jimin but it was too late. His body connected to hard concrete, bones scattering.

Aurora screamed as if her life had been cut through by a sword, right through the chest. Tearing at her soul.

The tears breaking from everyone's eyes. Taehyung hold the broken body in his arms. Gripping at the clothes on his motionless smaller boys body. "AHH AHHH JIMIN WAKE UP!" He wailed as the cold eyes of the boys meet Taehyung's. P-please M-mini." Yoongi walled. Namjoon stayed there crying while the others ran up the building tears streaming as the got to the top.

They all took turns tearing and lashing Jeonghans body apart. Leaving him in pieces.

Aurora with hands covered in blood. Walks over to the boys crying holding the lifeless body that was once beating, lively and loving.

"He said, I will not let the people I love die." She says dropping to her knees. Heart break covering her every fiber. "I- I w-will not let you d-die." She says taking Taehyung's hand in hers. "Everyone hold hands. I'll need you all." She says holding back the last few tears.

They circle around the lifeless body. They all begin to connect spiritually. All eyes glowing before everyone's eyes were covered in a bright gold. The large Fox armor that was once covering Aurora was now covering all of them including Jimin. She brings her hand down on Jimin's chest. All the power she could muster. The power of two werewolves, vampire, griffin, ice Phoenix, angel and finally Kitsune. The light and power coursing through Auroras body now slowing creeping its way into Jimins body.

"Please come back, Jimin. She cries. "I love you." "You're not useless." "You're strong and brave." "I need you," she sobs, the others weep with her.

"You brought light into my life again, Mini." Taehyung choked out.

"You make me feel safe." Yoongi says allowing himself to feel real emotion, it being the most raw and painful thing to ever cover his being.

"You make me see things for the better." Hoseok cries.

"You showed me I don't always have to be so serious." Seokjin cries.

"You stay up with me when I can't sleep. You're my moon child." Namjoons sobs.

"You take care of me, Hyung." Jungkook says putting his head on the boys stomach, his hot tears soaking the boys shirt

"We need you. Please come back to us. We love you." They weep

Aurora begins to feel something strange beneath her finger tips, bones snapping back into place.

She looks down at the boy below her. Out of nowhere the motionless boys eyes fly open. Their color a bright orange and his lunges inhales deeply choking on the air. The the orange aura was gone in a instance and Jimins eyes close once more.

"Jimin?" Aurora questions with tear stand cheeks.

Jimin's eyes began to flutter open and they were once again there brilliant lilac purple. He lays there in Taehyung's arms cough on the air.

"Did we win?" Jimin asked breathlessly

"You sure did." A reassuring and familiar voice echoed across the pavement along with their foot steps.

"Dr. Chambers?" Jimin said softly. "You're okay."
"I am. Thanks to all of you." He smiles.

"Thank you everyone for doing what you were supposed to. Protecting the princess."

"Princess? Aurora questioned. "Right, King Rowan is-"

"Is your father and with Jeonghan being gone, you are the rightful leader of the Nation." He smiled helping Aurora to her feet. The other stand as well. Only Taehyung and Yoongi holding a still weak Jimin up.

"I can't lead the nation alone." She furrows her brow.

"That's why you have us." Namjoon grins.

You're right, puppers.

She turned back the 7 men that just fought long side her, protected her and help saved someone they love.

"I-I wouldn't want it any other way." She smiled, more tears streaming down her face, running into her all time favorite group hug.

"I think the Nation is in good hands your highness." Dr. Chambers bows.

~ The End

I told y'all it wouldn't make y'all wait too long for the next chapter.

Thank you so much for being so patient and supporting this story. It truly means the word to me.

Until next time!
I love you my Kitties!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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