Chapter 4: Knock Knock

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I wake up to the soft sunlight peering through my window, shining on the edge of my bed. I woke up feeling very refreshed. I slept very peacefully. I climb out of bed and wake over to my dresser to grab some clothes before showering when I heard a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to an empty hallway. I shrug it off as I close the door. I walk towards the bathroom and there are two more knocks.

"The hell." I thought to myself.

I walk over to the door open it and again empty. I quickly shut the door and wait for another knock. About 30-seconds pass and there it is again. I throw the door open, grab the person by the collar throwing them down and pinning them to the ground in one swift move. I quickly realize it was Hoseok.

I was on top of him inches from his face, holding him down by his chest, knee pinned near his crotch. "Hey! Calm down. You're going to crush me." He cried out.

I let up a little, still hovering over him. "What the hell, Hoseok? I spat.

"I'm sorry, I was just messing with you." He looked up to me. "Ha, well now you know not to," I smirked with sarcasm as I got off of him and helped him up.

"I'll admit though you're strong for a little thing. He smiled while rubbing his aching shoulder. "Don't judge the dynamite by its size." I grinned. "Duly noted." He nodded his head in agreement.

"So was there anything you actually needed?" I chuckled a little.

"Yeah, Taehyung wants to go out on the town for lunch and wanted to see if you'd come." Hoseok answer back casually. "Ah, okay. Yeah, but I was going to shower first." "Is that okay?" "That's fine," Taehyung said standing in the doorframe of my room, leaning against it.

"Hey, Handsome." I smiled at him. He blushed the tiniest bit. "Hey, Aurora. We plan on leaving in an hour. Is that okay?" He asked walking over. "Yeah. I'll meet yall downstairs."

"Now if yall would excuse me," I said grabbing my clothes off my bed.

"Aw, can't we stay for the show." Hoseok teased. "You wish feathers." I giggled as I pushed them towards the door.

"Hey, don't I get a nickname?" Taehyung pouted. "You already have one." I smiled as they stood outside the door. "What is it?!" He whined. "You'll find out later, bye." "Wait!" Tae called as I closed the door. I giggle as I walked over to my bathroom to shower.

I stole down the stair. Tae and the rest of the boys waiting in the foyer for me. "Hey!" I called out as I skipped down the last steps over to them. "Took you long enough." Namjoon retorted. "Oh can it, puppers." I rolled my eyes taking Taehyung and Hoseok at my side walking towards the doors.

"Seriously, Joon. Chill out. You literally got here 2 minutes before she did." Yoongi called him out. Which made me smirk. "Busted," I whispered. "I heard that," Namjoon said under his breath. "You were supposed to," I whispered again turning back to see him glaring at me.

The Castle Jordan had its own transportation. Seokjin was driving us into town. It was a modern large BMW. Large enough to fit all eight of us. I sat in the middle of Taehyung and Hoseok while Yoongi sat upfront with Seokjin drove. While Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin sat in the back.

"What do we have planned for today, Tae?" I asked. "Well, we're definitely going to get food first then we'll do whatever everyone once around town." He explained "Gotchya." I nodded once in agreement.

"What do you want to do, Aurora?" Jimin asked from behind me. I turned around to face him when Namjoon said: "Besides being a nuisance."

"You know all your hostility and smartass remarks just prove that you're attracted to me," I smirked while cocking my brow.

Some of the boys chuckled at my statement.

"In your dreams, Kits." He glared at me. "Correction, I'm apparently in yours." I clapped back. Jimin was trying so hard not to laugh. He was biting down on his lip while his cheeks were turning pink.

"Anyway, "I announced. "To answer your question, Jimin. I'm really sure but I'm opened to anything you guys would want to do." I answered smiling softly at him. "Okay." He said holding in his laughter.

"She sure is a pistol," Seokjin whispered to Yoongi. "Yeah, it's kinda hot, to be honest," Yoongi answered back.

I leaned forward to rest my chin on Seokjin's seat. "I heard that." I smirked at them "You heard nothing," Yoongi teased with a light pink color growing on the tip of his ears. "Sure." I smiled leaning back against my seat.

"The drive into town took about 30 minutes. During that time we just talked and listened to music whatever was playing on the radio. Taehyung and Hobi were so funny the whole time. I swear I now have abs from laughing so hard. And every other couple of minutes Jimin would lean forward and blow air in my ear. When I would turn around he'd act like he was looking at something out the window before glancing at me. He's honestly the cutest thing and Namjoon looked like he had a stick up his ass the whole time.

I'm not surprised though. It's not an unknown fact that wolves and foxes don't get along. That's been a thing for centuries but King Rowan tried his best to help change that and he did help a lot of us but that wasn't the problem here.

He's pissy that I don't put up with and call him out on his bullshit. And he can't do anything about it because we're here to prove we can get along. So I'll just let him piss and moan until he gets his shit together.

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