Chapter 10: Shadow👀

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I felt my stomach knot up when her soft eyes met mine. I could feel my skin become a little warm as I made my way across the room. "What was I actually going to say to her," I thought. I just spent the last 10 minutes looking for her and I didn't think of a single way to apologize." I felt like hitting myself. I stood in front of the couch she was sitting on and I hesitated.

"Are you just going to stand there, Puppers?" She asked not looking up from the book she was sketching in.

"Oh right." I stuttered out before taking the seat next to her, trying not to sit to close.

She grinned down at her paper because of his nervousness but he was to caught up in himself to notice.

"So Uh- Kits. I-" She looked at me causing me to fumble with my words more.

"Yes?" She looked up to me raising her brows a little bit.

"I- well you see." I stuttered out again. Wanting to slap myself.

She chuckled before returning to her sketch.

"What are you drawing?" I shoot out, closing my eyes hard in frustration with myself. Really wanting to throw myself off a cliff.

She tilted the book up towards me. Revealing a beautifully drawn fox looking up to an angle above it with a wolf sleeping by its side. It had a bit of surrealism edged in with the realism. There were shadowed casted across the floor on the forest it was set in. I was extremely impressed and surprised.

"Kits, this- this is amazing." I looked to her.
She was already smiling a little bit.

"Thank you." She looked up to meet my eyes.

"I plan on adding a griffin, Phoenix, another wolf, a bat and a red rose." She explained looking back down at it analyzing the page. I'm plan on making it bigger on a canvas to hang up somewhere in the Castle." She looked up with glee oozing from her eyes. Which made me swallow hard.

"Is it a painting for all of us," I asked curiously.

"Mhm," she nodded her head.

"So why a red rose?" I continued.

"The red rose is for Jimin because yes he's an incubus so he's very naturally alluring but he's still very kind and sweet, and a red rose also means passion, love and seduction."

I listened to her I tentatively as she spoke. Her voice sounded like honey as I could hear the passion in her voice.

She continued. "And I just think it fits him well." A small smile lite up her face.

"I think so to," I smiled softly at her.

"Aurora, I'm sorry for what I said earlier to you and about Tae." I was angry about something else and I chose to take it out on you guys." I said not meeting her eyes feeling ashamed and guilty.

" What were you upset about? " She asked genuinely.

Oh crap. I can't tell her I was jealous because of what Hoseok and Seokjin Hyung said. She'll think I'm a lunatic. I bit my lip out of nervousness trying to think of an answered. I started to feel a little overwhelmed caused by my own anxiety.

I sat back and watched a little bit of anxiety wash over Namjoon. His ears turning a flush pink. I noticed him drag his teeth over his beautiful plump lip causing a nerve to hit my stomach. And there was a soft red glow clouding over his irises.

"I can't tell you." He stumbles out.

"Why?" I asked narrowing my brow.

"Because- because I- it's." I could literally feel his heart beat rapid against my skin. It was like I could sense it in my spirit. My shield feeling the need to protect him.

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