Chapter 1: Pilot

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For centuries the nations have greatly increased environmental well being, geographic and classification. No one is ranted higher than the other since money no longer exists. There's no poverty or war but it could soon fall into such a catastrophe.

Why? Because the races believe one is superior to the other. Even though 500 hundred years ago our Great King Rowan abolish this ranking system.

For he was in fact human. He showed great wisdom, compassion and was loved and respected by all and the world was at peace. He one day vanished leaving his half human half siren son who was next in line for the thrown but shortly after his son disappeared as well, leaving the siren race to die off.

After 500 hundred years, times seem to be changing and we must do something to keep from such ruins to come upon our great nation.

This story is about selecting someone from all races of all class and have them come together to prove that everyone was created equal and that peace and harmony are possible once again.
There are 8 beings.
Humans, Angels, Werewolves, Vampires, Griffins, Phoenix's, Succubus/Inccubus and Kitsunes.

Some are at peace with one another like The werewolves and the vampires who had been at war against each since the beginning of time but King Rowan helped change that.

But at the moment Kitsunes are dying out and are either looked upon as trash or rare beings. The only female Kitsune to be known alive is Aurora Grace.

This experiment is to prove they are all just as equal as anyone else.
One by one each person selected from each race walk up the gates of Castle Jordan. And they are greeted by Dr. Chambers. A Human to act as there host and caregiver. The first 3 to show up early are Kim Taehyung the Angel, Kim Namjoon and Jeon Jungkook the werewolves.

"Hello everyone, I am Dr.Chambers. I'm here to assist everyone who will be joining us today." Dr. Chambers stated kindly. "Everyone's rooms are already picked out by everyone's preference." He explained this as he showed the three men around the castle.

"Dr. Chambers?" "Yes, Master Taehyung?" "Do you when everyone else will be arriving?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"I do. Most of them shall be arriving around 1:30." He answered back. "Do you who's all coming?" Taehyung asking eagerly. "I do indeed." He answered back casually. "I'm so excited to meet everyone." Taehyung proclaimed with a boxy grin on his face.

"Dr. Chambers, will we be sharing rooms with anyone?" Namjoon asked. "No, everyone will have there own rooms." Dr. Chambers reassured him.

"Anyone have any more questions?" Dr. Chambers asked politely. The boys just looked between each other curiously.

"Well, then let's continue." Dr.Chambers gestured as he continued to show the newcomers around.

Before showing them to their rooms. Dr.Chambers gave them a small tour of The Castle Jordan. The castle was very spacious and had different rooms all over. There were 2 living areas, a large kitchen with a dining room, a library, a large study, 15 bedrooms and bathrooms, and two gardens. One was filled with all kinds of flowers and the other leads to a gazebo in the forest that was covered by willow trees. The castle looked over the vast Jordan River behind it.

"Master Namjoon and Jungkook, your rooms are on the second floor of the north wing. Your room numbers are 1212 and 1313." Dr. Chambers explained kindly.

"Master Taehyung, your room is at the top of the clock tower in the west wing."

"Now please kindly excuse me. The others should be arriving soon." He gave the men calm downs before leaving them alone.

"So, should we go greet the rest after we drop off our stuff in our rooms?" Taehyung asked the other two.

"Probably but we should probably wait until dinner," Namjoon explained. "Yeah, they'll want to get settled as well." Jungkook agreed with his leader.

"Ah, Okay." Taehyung nodded his head once. "That makes sense." He smiled. "After everyone gets settled maybe we can doing something together after dinner," "That way we can all get acquainted," Taehyung suggested.

"Maybe," Namjoon said hesitantly. "Well we'll see you later, Taehyung Hyung," Jungkook said walking up the stairs to the north wing with Namjoon.


"Hello, Master Yoongi and Master Jimin." Dr. Chambers greeted the two men just like he did with the others earlier. Gave them the normal tour before leading them to there rooms.

Shortly after Master Hoseok and Master Seokjin joined the rest. Dr. Chambers explained to everyone that there are refreshments in the dining room for everyone to snack on throughout the day before dinner and to feel free to venture throughout the castle as they please.

And that's what they do. Namjoon and Jungkook venture to the gardens while the other venture out as well to different parts of the castle. Taehyung went to the library along with Seokjin. While the other just looked around.

But they were still waiting on one more person. Lady Aurora.

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