Chapter 2: Arriving Late

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"Hello, This Dr.Chambers. The Host and Caregiver of Castle Jordan. May I ask who is calling?"

"Hello, Dr. Chambers, I'm Aurora. I'm one of the participants joining you today. I'm having a little trouble finding Castle Jordan. I explained to the nice gentleman over the phone.

"Well let's see. Have you gone over Clear River Bridge yet?" He asked politely.

"I did about two minutes ago." "When you see the street sign Mount Evergreen, turn down that road and continue straight for 2 miles and the gates of Castle Jordan are straight ahead. I explained this to the driver slowly as Dr.Chambers explained over the phone.

"I'm sorry for arriving so late. I should be there in a few minutes." I explained apologetically "It's more than alright, Lady Aurora. I will be at the entrance to greet you when you arrive." He answered back kindly. "Thank you." "My pleasure, Lady Aurora," he said before hanging up.

After exactly 5 minute minutes my driver pulled up to the gates of Castle Jordan. I stepped out of the car as my driver went to the back out of the car and opened the trunk to get my middle-sized suitcase and backpack.

I inhaled the air around me slowly. The gate and castle were surrounded by beautiful evergreens and willow trees while in the castle sat on the river bank. It was kind of refreshing. Castle Jordan was in the countryside of Iceland. The air was crisp and sweet. Very different from the life of a city in Europe from what I'm used to.

The gates opened up slowly as I walked up to it with my luggage. After a few minutes, I'm greeted by a well dressed cleaned cut proper older man. He was too old maybe mid to late '40s. Face aged but still handsome.

"Hello, Lady Aurora. I am Dr. Chambers." He said as he gave me a small bow. "May I help carry your things?" He asked politely. I felt weird about letting him help me but I obliged as I let him take the handle of my rolling suitcase.

I took in the huge beautiful foyer of the entrance of the castle. It had a little bit of vintage and a modern interior. It still the nice rustic red and gold colors on the brick walls melted with the pale marble flooring and grand staircase.

"May I help you to your room, Lady Aurora." Dr. Chambers asked kindly. "Oh no, that's okay, Dr. Chambers. I can find it on my own." I suggested politely.

"Okay, well. It on the third floor of the east wing. Room number 2222." He explained kindly with a smile. "Dinner should be ready in about an hour and a half." Feel free to take a look around after settling." "If you have any questions, I shall be on the first floor." He continued to explain before we went our separate ways.


I make it up to my room and the interior of the room has a white, silver and blue color decore. Kind of reminding me of a twilight moonlit night. It has a window seat that looked out over the Jordan River. I sat there taking in the scenery before hearing a soft knock at my door. I got up and made my way to the door.

I opened the door to be greeted by a tall, tan, lean man giving me a small boxy smile before introducing himself.

"Hello, are you Aurora? He asked. "I am," I answered back casually. "Well, I'm Taehyung. I live just a floor up. I heard you move in and wanted to introduce myself." He continued to explain. He had a lot of energy but it wasn't overbearing. It was kinda cute and it made me smile.

"Well, that's nice of you Taehyung," I said with a smile. "Oh, you can call me Tae if you'd like to." He answered back. "Okay, Tae." I smiled.

"Want me to show you around before dinner?" He asked nicely. "Sure, why not," I said as I followed him out.

We walked down the long wide hallways as they twist and turn into different areas of the castle. We spoke casually. Talking about current events, music interests, and movies. Taehyung seemed to be a very social butterfly. While, I'm very melancholy. I'm able to shift my mood and personality to fit a certain person's character while still being myself.

I found Taehyung's angelic, bubbly personality cute and refreshing. That's when I realized it. Taehyung is an angel. I could feel my heart bubble up. I had only met a few and they're all very different from others I've met.

But Taehyung almost had an actual glow emendate from him when he got excited about something.

"Tae, can I ask you something? I asked politely.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked with a smile, stopping in his tracks.

"You're an angel, correct?" I smiled "I am indeed. How'd you know?" He answered back. "It was kind of obvious," I said back with a small smirk. "Oh." He paused looking down shyly.

"Oh, no. I didn't mean that in a rude way. You're just really bubbly and sweet." I said trying to reassure him putting my hand to his forearm. His smiled slowly came back.

"It's okay. I was only messing with you." He said giving me a playful nudge. "Now, I am an angel but that doesn't mean I don't get upset or angry from time to time." He explained normally as we continued down the hallway.

"Oh, I believe you. Angel's have all the same kind of emotions as everyone else does," I calmly agreed with him. "Thank you for recognizing that." He said putting an arm around my should as we made it down unto the foyer. We walk over into one of the huge living areas to sit and to continue to conversate and get to know each other.

"It was really easy to get along with him. I can really see Tae and I becoming really good friends." I thought to myself.


Taehyung and I turn to see a new face walking over to greet the two of us. He had light caramel skin with platinum blonde hair and deep smoky eyes. Plump lips and a little shorter than average height.

"Hey, I'm Taehyung and this Aurora," Tae said with a friendly smile as he made his way over to a man standing at the entrance of the living area.

"I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you," He smiled. Taehyung reaches out to shake his hand but Jimin kept his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry." He smiled apologetically glancing at Taehyungs hand. Taehyung quickly realized and put his hand away. "Oh, don't worry about." He responded before turning back to me.

"Ahh," I said. "Incubus, right?" I stood up to walk over. "Yeah. . and physical contact right now just isn't smart." He explained kindly. "I understand. No worries." I replied giving him a reassuring smile.

"What are yall up to?" Jimin asked curiously. "Nothing really. Just looking around the castle." Taehyung answered back.

"Ah, okay. Have yall met the others yet?"

"I just got here to be honest so no," I answered back.

"I've only met two. I think their names are Namjoon and Jungkook." Taehyung continued.

"Ahh, Okay. The werewolves." Jimin smiled. "How do you know they're werewolves? I asked, little confusion. "Oh- Uh. I can just kind sense it." He explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's apart of his abilities. " Taehyung explained. "Yeah, kind of how I can sense that your a kitsune and your friend here is an angel." Jimin continued. "Except, he's a little bit easier to read." He smiled.

"Yah!," Taehyung called in protest. "Don't feel bad, Taehyung. There's nothing wrong with that." Jimin giggled.

"True. And there's a reason why kitsunes are a little harder to detect than others." I explained with a smile as I nudged him with my shoulder, leaning into him. Which made him smile lightly down at me.

"Why is that?" Another unfamiliar voice questioned walking over. We all turn to the sound of the voice and It's two men. Both tall and tan. One had short light brown hair and the other had longish dark hair.

"Oh, Namjoon Hyung and Jungkook!" Taehyung said walking over to them with a smile.

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