Chapter 8: Rules

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" There aren't many but the ones we have, need to be addressed, " Dr. Chambers continued.

"Rule number 1, No bringing home strangers."

" Even though we have a lot of supporters, there are still a lot of people out there who don't agree with this experiment," "if one of them were to find out where you're staying, all the progress we would have made would have been for nothing." "Do you understand?" He asked us confidently. " Yes, Dr. Chambers, we understand." Taehyung complied.

"Rule number 2, You must not reveal your identities to anyone because just that small little bit of information can lead them back to here." Dr. Chambers explained tentatively.

" So were just supposed to keep completely quiet about this?" Some of us are actually proud to be here." Jimin retorted.

"When this experiment is sucessfull is when you can boast about it, " Dr. Chambers said sternly. "Yes, sir." Jimin respectfully obliged.

"Does anyone have any questions about the first 2 rules?" He asked seriously. "No, sir. You may continue." Seokjin spoke.

"Rule number 3, in any emergency where the first 2 are comprimsed. You must contact me immediately. We have a safe house that I only know the where about of." He explained.

"And last but not least, you must protect each other. You are all in this together, working together to save this nation and to stay alive." Dr. Chambers explained sternly.

"What happened with Lady Aurora yesterday must never happen again. Do you understand me." I had never seen Dr. Chambers so serious. It was almost scary.

"We understand, Dr. Chambers," Taehyung said confidently. He looked to me. "It will never happen again. It was a promise to Dr. Chamber but also a underlying promise to me as well. I gave him a small smile.

"Does anyone have any question?" Dr. Chambers asked calmly.

"I do," Yoongi spoke out. "Yes, Master Yoongi," He addressed him.

"Besides the major rules are there any underlining guidelines? He asked We were all kind of taken a back by the seriousness. Yoongi was kind of a jokester.

"Like?" Dr. Chamber asked tentatively ready to answer fully to his ability.

Yoongi looked to Jimin, "Like if someone is feeling lonely, would it be okay if they stayed in the same room?" He winked at them. And there it was. We all just smirked. Of course that's what he means. I giggled to myself.

"Everyone is more then welcome with making each feel comfortable and content." Dr. Chambers answered kindly. "Thank you, Dr. Chambers," Yoongi said smuggly which only caused Jimin and Hobi to scuffed.

"Anyone else?" Dr. Chambers asked patiently.

"Are there any places in or around the castle were not allowed to venture to?" I asked.

"Well no everywhere is opened to for to enjoy." He answered kindly.

"Where do you stay?" Jungkook asked cursiously? "I stay in the cotage out past the gazebo in the forest." He answered back.

"Does anyone have anymore questions?" "I do," Hoseok smirked, "Dr. Chambers, are you seeing anyone?" This caused most of us to gap our mouths at his inapporate question.

"Hoseok, you can't ask him that." I whispered to him.

"I am not. I lost my wife a few years ago." Dr. Chambers answered kindly. This caused all us including Hoseok to lower our heads a little. "I'm sorry, Dr. Chambers. I shouldn't have asked such a personal question." Hoseok stood to give Dr. Chambers a apologetic bow.

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