Chapter 18: So Full👀

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                21+ and offensive language

Before they knew it, they were heading for the car. Almost in a rush actually. Aurora didn't complain thought, she was ready to back home. She was overwhelmed from the whole day. Everyone's naughty touches and teasing then almost fucking Jungkook in the dressing room. Her hormones were running wild; along with her panties being completely ruined and She desperately needed to be touch and be touched by everyone. She knew that must sound greedy but she just can't help it.

Aurora sat snug between Jungkook and Seokjin. Seokjin held her close. He could feel her need radiating against his skin. He had been able to sense it for awhile now, that's why he suggested for all of them to head home. Seokjin began to whisper sweet nothings into her ear causing the hairs on her arms to stand.

"Such a needy girl, aren't you babygirl?" He smiled softly.

"Mhm." I answered.

"Look at me, babygirl." He said

I looked up to him slowly to meet his eyes.

That's when Seokjin saw the light yellow glow cover her irises.

He cupped her cheeks, "oh my babygirl."

"Yoongi, how close are we?" He asked

"About 5 minutes." Yoongi answered.

"Hear that Babygirl, only 5 minutes and we'll be home." He kissed her nose which made her eyes close and smile at the sweet touch.

Soon they pulled up to the castle and they all one by one crawled out the car. Aurora and Seokjin getting out last. Seokjin then picked up Aurora around his waist, carrying her inside.

"Everyone follow me." Seokjin announce but not too loud. "Our babygirl is a little sensitive and needy right know." "Isnt that that right?" He whispered into Auroras ear.

"Mhm," I cooed.

"Oh, she so cute," Hoseok said walking next to them.

"Hear that babygirl?" "Hobi thinks you're cute."

"Really?" I whispered turning my head to the other shoulder to look at him.

They made there way up the stairs.

"The cutest, baby." He smiled.

"Hobi, hold me?" I whined.

"Of course, babygirl. Come here." I unwrapped my legs to let go and Hoseok took me in his arms. 

They all followed behind, down the hallways through the twists and turns. Making their way to a very large room with a very large bed covered with beautiful blue silk sheets. Everyone came in and Seokjin closed the doors behind them while Hoseok laid her down on the bed. Taehyung walking over and slowly removing her sock and shoes.

"How are feeling, baby?" Taehyung asked while lightly massaging her feet.

Aurora couldn't help but pout, "need TaeTae."

"Awh, I'm right here." He smiled.

"No. . need TaeTae." I whined.

"Taehyung, crawl unto the bed with her." Seokjin smirked, leaning against the doors.

"Don't want to upset our babygirl, right?" He crosses his arms.

"Oh okay," Taehyung was feeling a little shy since everyone was there but Aurora wanted "no needed him."

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