Chapter 21: Get to Now Ya Better👀

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After everyone went into the kitchen to find various amount of different snacks and a few different kinds of liquor, they decided to move they're little party to the gazebo in the garden. Everyone enjoying themselves and having fun. Aurora just enjoying being with everyone but also teasing Jimin about what happened with Tae. Aurora contain how excited she was to here about what happened. Turns out that Jimin and Taehyung had quiet the little adventure behind that bookcase.

Jimins POV: Flashback to earlier that day

After an hour of exploring, Taehyung and I were in a room at the end of a hallway on the second floor of the west wing. Tae and I hadn't really had much time to talk to each other. We stayed on different side of the castle and he was glued to Aurora from the moment we got here. Not that I blamed him or anything. From the moment I met her she was always very nice to me and I've grown to really care about her but it's kinda nice to just have some one on one time with Taehyung. I was always very intrigued by him.

Angels and Incubbus are almost complete opposites which only made me want to be closer to him. There were times were I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I'm surprised he never caught me.  I've been a little to afraid to voice how I feel about him. I mean I'm not the most opened person in the world and he's just so gorgeous that's it intimidating. But I am happy that we finally do get to have some alone time with him. Maybe, I can finally have a real conversation with him. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't make me a little nervous though.

I was looking behind a large landscape painting while Taehyung was looking through the book shelf across the room.

"Taehyung-ah, have you found anything yet?" I asked looking over at him.

"Hmp, I'm not sure." He turned to look at me and I could feel my cheeks warm.

"This book won't move but the others are loose." He explained.

I walked over feeling a little nervous.

"Have you tired titling it?" I asked.

"Yeah but it won't budge." His lips formed into a little pout and I couldn't help but find it cute.

"Let's see." I reached for it. "How about this." I said as I pushed against the book.

When I did, the book moved back two inches causing it to move the bookshelf forward. I smiled up at the tall boy and he smiled back down at me. In excitement I step to the side to see a crack between the bookshelf and the wall. I pushed my fingers through the crack and opened to what seem to be a door to a small room.

"Taehyung-ah, come here." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him in.

"Wooah," Taehyung exclaimed.

The room was lite with small warm lights. It was a small room but it had a cot and a small desk with a chair. Without realizing it I was still holding Taehyung's hand and he was still holding mine. I only realized it when Taehyung took two steps inside the room and I was dragged with him.

"Look at these, Mini." He said referring to art on one of the very old books on the desk.

Taehyung had pulled me next to him to look at it but I don't think he realizes just how close we were. Still holding my hand, I was pretty much pressed to his side and chest. My heart was pounding. All I could think about was how warm he was and his lips. If I wasn't careful, I'm skin would start to glow.

Taehyung looked down at me. "Min, you okay?" He asked

"Uh, yeah why." I asked stepping away, letting go of his hand.

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