Chapter 13: Together

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Even thought it had been a beautiful day I still had been anxious for all of it. What could they possibly need to talk to me about. If Jimin was still being sweet it couldn't be that bad.

And Seokjin Oppa did call me his "good girl". I blushed at the thought.

Taehyung was still acting like Tae. It can't be too serious, right? Maybe I should have tried to text the others. But I couldn't get through to Jimin without Seokjin Oppa getting on to me then I definitely wasn't getting through to the others.

And I have a feeling If I had, I probably would have gotten into trouble with Seokjin Oppa. ." The thought of this made my pulse race. I could feel my cheeks warm.

I shook away where my mind was drifting to. Anyway, if it's not that serious why are they making me worry! I can't take this.

The drive home was torturous. It felt like Dr.Chambers was driving so damn slow even thought he was definitely driving the speed limit. I just needed to get back fast and find out what was going on.

"Dr. Chambers, how far are we?" I asked politely.

"We're about 10 minutes away." He answered kindly.

This is taking forever. I just want to know what's going on. This is ridiculous. I pulled out my phone.

Hey, Hobi.

Hey! When will you be home?

I should be back soon.

Good because we're all waiting. Some a little more impatient then others.

Speak of which, can you please tell me what's going on??

I wish I could honestly but I can't.

It be better to talk about this in person.

Are y'all mad at me or something??

What? No. Of course not!

Then what is so important?!!

feathers is typing. . .
feathers is no longer typing. . .

"Oh shit. . ." I thought to myself. I locked my phone.

"Buzz Buzz," my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled out my phone slowly from my pocket. .

"New message from: SeokjinOppa"

I stared down at my phone in disbelief. "Damn it, Aurora. You done did it now." I thought to myself. I anxiously tapped the notification and unlocked my phone and watched as the screen pulled up to the new message waiting for me.

Couldn't even wait 10 minutes.

I watched in horror as the messages piled in.

Had to disobey me and message Hoseok.

I'm disappointed in my good girl. Must not be my good girl anymore.
No! Oppa, I'm sorry! I'm still your good girl!

No, baby girl. . You've been such a bad girl. Teased Jiminnie and now you've disobeyed me.

My heart was pounding in my chest. A feeling of fear but I could feel a little bit of excitement rising in my chest. I don't know why but it did. .

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