•Chapter 40•

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             Content warning: Violence

The boys and Aurora rushing back home to save Dr.Chambers. The rain, thunder and lighting beating hard against the outside of the car.

"Faster Hobi!" Aurora says frantically.
"Aurora if I go any fast we'll all die!" Hoseok yells back.

"But we have to get there before he kills-"

"We know. Calm down." Taehyung cooed cupping her cheeks. "We're going to save him but stressing and freaking out isn't going to help, okay?"

"Okay." She breaths settling on Taes shoulder. "I'm sorry, Hobi." Aurora apologizes.
"It's okay. I'm sorry too." Hobi said from the driver seat.

"We're going to save him." Taehyung reassures her.

"So what's the plan?" Namjoon asks.
"Let me go in first. I can get him off his game" Aurora states.

"No way. You're not going alone." Namjoon says.

"He'll kill Dr.Chambers." "I can take him." Aurora says firmly.

"You're crazy if you think we're going let him anywhere near you." Yoongi says fury being masked by his neutral tone. It was laced with it. It vibrated through anyone in the car. Jimin was holding his hand. Trying to calm him.

"Sending you in alone isn't a plan." Namjoon said with the same tone.

"We need to approach this with a strategy." Seokjin stated agreeing with Namjoon.

"Now, you going in first is probably our best bet but you won't be going in alone." Seokjin states. "We'll all circle the perimeter and cover all entryways of the mansion." Seokjin explains.

"I think two people should stand guard outside the door." Hoseok says behind the wheel, keeping control of the car.

"All of us checking the perimeter will take way too much time. How about Jungkook and I check the perimeter first to see what were up against before we cover everything and sneak in the house." Namjoon says determined. "Aurora should definitely go in first with two back ups."

"Okay, I think that makes sense." Jimin says nervously.

While everyone is discussing the plan Hoseok makes a right down a long road that leads to the property. It's still pouring outside and Hoseok chooses to stop about a half a mile from the gated grounds.

"We don't need to get to close. We need to get ready."

Even with the pouring rain, everyone piles out of the car. The cold rain mixed with the air didn't help but it didn't seem to be effecting anyone. Adrenaline pumping through everyone's veins.

"Jungkook, I want you to use your eyes. Look for the grounds of the mansion." Namjoon states.

Jungkook's POV•

"Hyung, I haven't done this a really long time."He says nervously."
"It's alright. Take my hand. I will help you." Namjoon says taking my hands. I watch as Namjoon closes his eyes and I do the same.

We blink open at the same time.

My vision filtered with blue with a mixture of red Namjoon helping me. My vision traveled at the speed of light, quickly moving past trees and animals in my peripheral. Namjoons Alpha powers guiding me, keeping me from getting distracted.

"I see the house." I state. "Me too." Namjoon says.

"The front door is open." I continue.

"There aren't many men." Namjoon states. "A few at the door. No one's inside." Namjoon states confused."

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