Chapter 16: Game On(Edited)

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I woke up a little earlier then normal, about 9:30ish. I decided to go for a run since I could see how nice it already was outside. I quickly slipped on my workout clothes and headed out through the castles with my water bottle, phone and earbuds in hand.

I was jogging down the stairs towards the doors when I heard soft smooth voice stop me in my tracks. I turned back towards it.

I look  over my shoulder and a see the sweet bunny smile as Jungkook met me at the door.

"Hey, Kook. What's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask you something." He said

I smiled at him which caused a soft pink to cover his ears. "Okay, shoot."

"Well. . ." He said, combing his fingers through his hair. "The guys wanted to know if wanted to go out today."

"Like out on the town?" I questioned feeling my skin warm.

"Uh yeah. ." He paused. "But they also said if you weren't ready then they completely understand." He put his warm, soft large hand on my arm.

I stood there for a second to thinking about it. Did the idea scare me. Well yeah. That scumbags face is still fresh in my mind. I can still recall the feeling of his hand on my neck. The wet and musty smell of his clothes. Just the thought of it made the hair on my arms stand. Sure, It had been 3 weeks since the incident and even though I was no longer having nightmare. I still didn't like the idea but I'm closer with everyone and I know as long as I'm with them I'll be safe. I can protect myself but I know the guys will be there to protect me as well.

"If you need a little bit to think about it, that perfectly," Jungkook smiled reassuringly.

I breathed for just a second before answering.
"No, it's okay. I'd love for all of us to go out." "I'll just need a shower after my run.

Jungkook smile was always so pretty, bright and it made my heart flutter. "Okay! I'll tell the others." "Enjoy your run." He said before heading back towards the stairs.

I watched as he climbed them before I stepped outside the doors and began to do a few stretches to limber up my muscles. Starting at my legs and then working up towards my arms. I put my phone in my pocket after putting my earbuds in and putting my playlist on shuffle. Then I began to run down the pavement into long, narrow twists and turns of one of the gardens.

The early morning sunlight softly breaking through the tall trees and rose bushes. The earth smelt nice and sweet. The roses and dampness caused by the late autumn moisture. It surprisingly hadn't rained in a few days and looked like today was going to be nice as the sun elope the clear sky. I let my senses and my fast working stamina wash out my thoughts from 3 weeks ago. Taking in air with each step I made.

Time jump:

I was able break into a decent sweat after finishing my run. Stepping back into the air conditioning soothed my lungs and my hot skin. I drank down the last bit of my water as I made my way up the stair to head to my room to shower.

I hear a "Well, hello beautiful." come from an open door I was passing by so I stopped to see who it was.

"Oh Hey, Seokjin." I couldn't help but blush the  smallest bit.

"You enjoy your run?" He smiled walking over to me, his hands resting in his front pockets.
"How can someone be so natural stunning." I thought to myself.

"Eh it was okay for the most part, I guess"

"You still up for today?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. I just need to shower and get ready."

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