•Chapter 36•

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👀 18+ (edited)

Taehyung and Yoongi walk back a little giddy, trying to contain the different kinds of emotions they were both experiencing. They let go of each other's hands as everyone came into view. They were all still watching the movie beside Jimin and Namjoon. Whom seemed to be in their own little world at the moment.

Namjoon held Jimin close by draping his arm around Jimin shoulder, not leaving space for any kind of breathing room.

"Just kiss already." Yoongi snickered to himself.

The small sound tickled Namjoons ear and he tried his best to let a smug smirk creep up his face.

Taehyung had sat down first, spreading his legs waiting for Yoongi.

"Yoongi-hyung?" Taehyung questioned looking up to him.

"Yeah?" Yoongi asked.

"W-wanna sit here, Hyung?" Taehyung asked a little hopeful voice, gesturing to the open space between his legs. Yoongi chuckled, "sure." He said turning around to sit snuggly between the boys long legs, leaning his back against Taehyung chest.

Taehyung slowly glided his hands around Yoongi torso, holding him tight. Slightly giving Yoongi chills as he noses his Hyung throat breathing in his scent.

"My god, you too. Get a room." Namjoon teased still holding Jimin to his side.

"Oh, you're the one to talk." Yoongi called back. "Like just kiss him already, fuck."

"I will if you will." Namjoon grinned cheekily.

"He already did." Taehyung boldly said in a small voice before hiding his face in Yoongi's shoulder.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows in surprise. Giving Yoongi a "really?" look.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and waving him away slightly grinning.

"Well Mini, you heard him right? Since they kissed. We should too." Namjoon smirked at the smaller boy in his arms, who began to blush.

"What? I-" Jimin stuttered, trying to process but was interrupted. "Oh mini, I'm just teasing if you don't want to then that's fine." Namjoon said.
"B-but i didn't say that either." Jimin said in a small voice feeling very conflicted.

Namjoon smirked and then pulled him closer, leaned down and connected his thick lips to Jimins. Jimin let out a small whimper only for Namjoon to hear as he deepened the kiss. After only a second, Jimin slightly pushed against Namjoons chest, breaking the kiss. The feeling of slight embarrassment and thriller filling up his body as he felt his cheeks warm.

"Sorry, Min but I'd been wanting to do that all night." Namjoon grinned slightly, showing off his dimples while admiring the light flash of purple wash over the boys irises.

Jimin sat there thinking about what he had said and it taunted him as his eyes wondered from his Hyungs eyes and lips. Really wanting to feel them again. So Jimin just grabbed the collar of his hyungs shirt and quickly pulled him back in for another kiss. Adding a little bit more pressure then the kiss before. Namjoon just met the boys urgency and curling his fingers into the boys hair, tugging at the roots.

"Okay. Now you too should get a room, Damn." Yoongi retorted.

Namjoon pulled away and scoffed. "Fine." He said as he stood up. "Come on, Mini." Namjoon said giving Jimin his hand.

Jimin looked between Namjoon and his hand feeling really shy but in all honesty. There was no way he was turning this offer down.

"Okay," Jimin said in a small voice taking his Hyungs hand as he stood to his feet.

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