Chapter 27: Dawn👀

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Warning: 21+ Very intense adult scenes if that bothers you please don't continue reading and find something else. Sorry for being so harsh about it.

Yoongi's POV:

I wasn't sure if I had should admit to how Seokjin-Hyung made me feel because now all he does is tease me. And I couldn't hide how much it affected me. No one and I mean no one has ever been able to make me feel this way. I've always been the one in control but Hyungie. . I don't know. . There's just this thing about him. When I would hook up with Jimin, it was different. He would try taking the rings a few times but then I came to learn that he personally enjoyed being remind that he wasn't in charge and I found that so cute and sexy but like I said. It's completely different with Seokjin.

We haven't done anything yet but he's always teasing me about things and I just kind of "obey". It's so out of character for me but I would be lying if I said it didn't excite me.

My thoughts were all over the place as I made my way to the dining room for dinner. Walking through the entrance, where Seokjin and few others were already sitting down.

Seokjin sat up in his chair, "Hey, Yoongs. Wanna sit by me today?" He said with a smile.

Don't know why but it almost felt like a command. A command I for some reason couldn't deny.

"Sure," I said walking over.
He pulled the chair out for me to sit down.

"How's your day been?" He asked.

"Eh, it's been fine."

"Is something wrong?"

"Well, no. Just feeling a little blah lately."

"Ah okay, anyway I can help?" He asked genuinely.

I couldn't tell you why but there was something he could definitely do and I don't know why my mind had gone there but if my emotions gave too much away, Hyungie would be able to sense it so I tried my hardest to keep it at bay.

"Eh, don't worry about it."

He smirked. Why was he smirking.

"Okay, gotcha."

That's when everyone else joined the table.

"Hey, Yoongi!" Aurora cooed from the other side of the table.

Pulling my attention away from the broad, handsome man to my right.

"Hey, Beautiful." I smiled softly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine but is it just me or has today been a little boring?"

"You're not the only one," Taehyung cooed from her right.

That when I felt Seokjin tickle my side and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop it, Hyung."

"Nope." He teased, now tickling both sides.

Auroras smile was the biggest I had ever seen. She probably thought this was cute.

Dinner continued, Hyungie and I just talked normally bout things. Cracking a few jokes here in there, making me smile and laugh.

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