Chapter 17: Teasing and Needy👀

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I was snuggly sat between Yoongi and Hoseok towards the front. Both of their bodies slightly blocking the chill from the AC. I was holding Yoongi's hand while Hoseok had his hand on my knee. There was music playing with the sound of everyone talking to each other. I was smiling contently listening to everyone. I could already tell that it was going be a nice and fun day.

That's when Yoongi leaned over and started to whisper into Aurora's ear while Hoseok's slowly started to glide his hand up Aurora inner thigh and under her dress. Stopping just a few inches from her core. Aurora wasn't someone to get flustered but she couldn't really help it in this situation. The sweet yet naughty things Yoongi was caressing her ears with made the hairs on her arms stand.

Then Yoongi presses his lips to her neck softly, barely sucking at the skin, Hoseok has moved his hand up one more inch and started squeezing her thigh. The two different sensation were causing a soft cloud to cover her mind and her breathing to become shallow. The teasing of both of them. So close yet so far from what she was wanting to moment caused goosebumps to ignite over her skin but all of a sudden they stop.

Yoongi went back to holding her hand and Hoseok had returned his hand to her knee. She looked to both of them a little confused but they both just shrugged and smirked.

"What on earth was that about." I thought to myself.

I looked up at the front view mirror and notice Seokjin was now also smirking.

"Did he see?" I thought as I felt my cheeks warm. "No way, he's too busy driving."

Ten minutes pass and we make our way into town. Hoseok and Yoongi were speaking casually with the others and I honestly was feeling a little irritated. Hoseok was so close to my area but didn't do anything. They both just teased me.

Then Seokjins pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

"Should we eat first?" Taehyung asked as he was the last one to climb out of the car.

"Sounds good to me," Jungkook answered.

"I am kind of hungry." I said.

"To the food court then." Namjoon said putting his arm around me. I smiled up at him before he leaned down and quickly gave me a kiss, lingering there for a half a second too long while his hand drifted down my spine slowly and squeeze my ass, surprising me. I immediately pulled away out of embarrassment since everyone was watching.

"Are you blushing, Kits?" Joon smirked at me.

"Only in your dreams, Puppers." I said pushing from his side to grab on to Jungkook's bicep. I stuck my tongue out at him.

He gave me a very "oh really" smug smirk.

"Okay, lets go. I'm starving." I announce walking towards the doors to the mall.

"To the food court we go," Yoongi said causing half of us to giggle.

They walk inside and head for the food court. They step inside and head for the escalator since the food court is on the second level, chatting amongst each other. Aurora was just enjoying being able to go out with all the men who are most important to her. She couldn't help but smile. Thinking that maybe today will replace the bad memory with a good one. They make it to the food court and they begin to look at all there options, trying there best to avoid the people giving out samples.

"Does everyone want to go to the same place or split up and meet in the middle at a table?" Namjoon asked.

"Uh well I'm kind of want a burger." Taehyung said.

"I've really been craving some spicy food," Hoseok said.

"I know what you mean, I've just been really wanting Chinese food." I said.  "Me too!" Jimin smiled.

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