Chapter 30: New Beginnings

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Shortly after Hoseok and Jimins moment, everyone began to settle down since it's 5am everyone is very exhausted. Some sleeping, some watching movies on their laptops, some eating snack. It was quiet cozy on the airplane with barely any turbulence. The rain began to sece as they made there way out of Iceland and heading to Poland.

The flight seemed to go by fairly quickly, considering after a certain amount of time everyone had dosed off with it being so early in the morning. When they all finally woke up. Dr.Chambers announced that they'd be landing in 20 minutes. In another remote location where the plane wouldn't be tracked.

"Hey, Mini" Aurora yawned picking her head up.

Jimin was snuggled against her with his head on her shoulder.

"Hi, cutie." Jimin said half asleep.

Aurora smiled, "you think I'm cute?"

"Mhm, the cutest." He huffed with his eyes still closed.

"Hmp, I think you're cute too." She smiled leaning her head back onto his. He blushed, pressing his face further into the nook of her neck.

"Ding Ding" was heard over the intercom.

"Hello everyone, Dr.Chambers speaking. We will short arrive at our destination. Please buckle your seatbelts and sit back while we get ready to descend." "Dr.Chambers out."

"I don't know why but that makes me giggle." Taehyung said.

"Me too," Jungkook said from the seat in front of him.

"Right, I just can't take it seriously," Namjoon agreed.

"Yoongs?" "Jin-Hyung?" Hoseok called over but there wasn't a response.
"Uh guys?" "You two awake?" Hoseok asked.

Since they weren't answering everyone became curious and turned to see the two men.

Quiet coos and aw's were heard all over.
Yoongi and Seokjin were sleeping soundly, sharing a blanket while holding each other's hands.

"They're so cute." Taehyung said with his hand over his chest.

"Thanks, Tae." A groggy smug voice answered back, scaring Tae a little.
"You're cute too," Yoongi said.

"H-hyung.. I thought you were sleeping."

"Oh I was but y'all aren't as quiet as you think you are." He said sitting up.

"Yeah, why are you guys so loud?" Another voice cooed from the other side of Yoongi.

"We weren't loud, y'all are just light sleepers." Jungkook teased

Aurora smiled at Jungkook's sassiness. "Sorry, Oppa. We weren't meaning to be," Aurora turned in her seat.

"It's okay, sunflower." "But turn around, we're getting ready to land.

"Okay," she blushed.

"Jimin, you awake yet?" She asked leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"No." He grumbled.

"Oh but you need to wake up."
"Don't wanna."

"Oh? I think someone needs to be tickled."
"Nuuu." He whined.

"Then you better awake up." She teased.
"Okaaay." He whined sitting up in his seat.

"Hmp cute." She said leaving a kiss on his cheek.

"Am not." He said grumpily
"Are too," she teased.

Jimin then felt a vibration in his pocket.

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