•Chapter 37•

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When Namjoon and Jimin got to there room, it was dem. The lights were off and the soft beautiful moonlight dancing through the window. While, Jungkook had already got in his sleep clothes and was laying on top of the bed with his phone waiting for them.

Namjoon slightly smiled while Jimin crawled across the bed and sat in Jungkook's lap, who seemed to be sulking.

"What's wrong, Kookie?" Jimin asked.
"Nothing, Hyung." Jungkook said ignoring the cute man in his lap.

"Oh are you sure?" Jimin grinned slightly.
"Yep." Jungkook said not looking up from his phone.

"Okay, fine. You leave me no choice." Jimin smiled as he leaned in and started tickling the bitter boy.

Jungkook immediately began to erupt into giggles. Trying to fight off his hands but wasn't having much success. Namjoon laughed at the two boys. "You too are cute." He stated.

"But I'm cuter." Jungkook shout through his laughter. Jimin finally let up and agrees "I'll give it to him. You are pretty cute, Kookie." Jimin giggled breathlessly.

"You think so?" Jungkook smiled holding the smaller man on his lap by his waist.

"I know so." Jimin smiled softly.

"Am I interrupting something here?" Namjoon chuckled.

They say simultaneously.

"Hmm okay then." Namjoon says as he starts to undress to get ready for bed.

The boys slightly gock, watching as Namjoon pealed the layers of his clothing off, stopping at and leaving his underwear. Both boys slightly swallowed down some air and both immediately turned back to each, cheeks a little flush when he leaned over to grab some clothes from his drawer.

The two boys looked between each a little nervous and shy. Jimin tried to move himself off Jungkook's lap but the boy just leaned forward holding him in place.

"Okay. Are you too sure I'm not interrupting anything here." Namjoon now had a different vibe in his tone.

"No, Hyung. Just want Jimin Hyung to stay here. He looks pretty from this angle." Jungkook said quietly feeling a little shy while Jimin blushed feverishly.

"He does, doesn't he." Namjoon said crawling towards the two behind Jimin a little.

"Why don't you give Jungkook a little kiss, Mini." Namjoon said in Jimin ear causing the hairs on his arms to stand. Jimin slowly brought his hands up to cup Jungkooks cheeks.

"May I kiss you, Kookie?" Jimin asked kindly.

Jungkook nodded yes, wanting to kiss Jimin really badly since he hadn't before. His heart races as he watch Jimin lean forward to connect there lips. He hovered over the boys lips for a few seconds before finally giving the boy what he had been yearning for. Jungkook relaxed into it as Jimin began to part his lips. That's when a slight whimper that escaped the back of Jimins throat causing a shiver to break through Jungkook's body. He blinked his eyes opened once and he could see Namjoon had leaned over and was kissing the side of Jimins neck. Jungkook let Jimin tongue flood in, dancing with his before breaking the away.

"Everything alright, Kookie?" Jimin asked. His eyes a little glossy but no color clouding over.

He was holding back and it kind of made Jungkook a little sad but he understood why.

Jungkook nodded his head, "I'm okay. I guess I'm just a little sleepy."

"Oh wanna go to bed then?" Jimin asked through this lustful laced voice causing both party's to slightly get the chills

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