Chapter 26: Dusk til 👀

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     Extremely 21+ kinks such as impact play.

•if these kind of things weird you out or you find them triggering please skip down to the last few paragraphs or wait until chapter 28 comes out.

Monday had come and gone in the blink of an eye. Dinner had started late Monday evening and Taehyung was trying so hard to contain the excited growing in his stomach. Taehyung purposely sat next to Aurora. She, of course didn't mind or suspect anything. So when Taehyung ask her if they could talk after dinner; she agree and said that was fine, oblivious to what Taehyung had planned and this caused a bubble of pride to grow in his chest.

He would periodically put his hand on her thigh and caress the top of it. Aurora didn't find this strange or out of the normal since he did that often. She almost found it soothing. She enjoyed his sweet and gentle touch of affection. 

Throughout dinner, Aurora had notice the sweet little moments between Yoongi and Seokjin. There interaction we're normal for the most part. Laughs and smiles. Every once and awhile Seokjin would personally feed Yoongi some of his food. Blushing each time he did and she thought it was so cute. There was a moment where Seokjin had leaned in to whisper something into Yoongi's ear and the fantest rosy color crossed his cheeks. He didn't smile or anything of the sort, he just nodded slowly once and Seokjin smirked then going back to eating. And it made her a little curious so she planned to ask Yoongi about it later.

Dinner was starting to finish up and everyone starts saying there fair-wells for the night. All except Aurora, Taehyung, Seokjin and Yoongi.

For reason will be known soon.


After returning our dirty dishes to the kitchen, I skip over to Taehyung, wrapping my arm around his bicep.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I smiled.

"I'd like it if we could talk in private if that's okay,"

"Oh sure." I smiled as I cling to Taehyung as he lead us upstairs.

They made there way up the first flight of stairs, turning towards the opened library to their right. Aurora took in the soft lighting of the candles gracing the surfaces around them. Appreciating the way the room looked as the sun began to set.

Aurora sat down on the soft, comfortable couch while Taehyung leaned against the table, hands cupping it at his sides.

"So what is it you need to talk to me about? "Is it serious?" I asked

"Just a little." "It does require listening and a little bit of-" he looked at me through his dark lashes. "Obedience,"

The word rolled of his tongue like silky honey and when it made it way to my ears, a small rush of adrenaline pumped through my veins.


His voice right know was so rich and deep. It made my mouth water. He pushed off the table, taking a few steps forward.

"Here." He said point to the spot in front of him.

I couldn't move my legs fast enough. I quickly got up and made my way to the spot.

"Mhm, someone's eager." He smirked.

I didn't say a word, I sub-consciously was waiting for what he needed next.

He tipped my head back by my chin to look up at him.

"Down." He demanded in a flat tone.

I sank down on my knees sitting on my heels.

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