Chapter 6: Drip👀

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The boys and I split up to go find Aurora. I honestly was a little worried about her. I know she can definitely handle herself but I can't shake this feeling that she in danger. The thunder was roaring outside causing the hair on my arms to stand up not making me feel better. How could she go off all by herself like that? I know I'm not the nicest person but how could she just leave without bringing anyone with her.

"Namjoon Hyung, I think I smell her this way. " Jungkook said breaking me out of my thoughts. I pause for a second. "I think you're right." I agree with him as we went into that direction of he sweet scent. She smells like sunflower and honey which drove me crazy and has sense I smelt her enter the castle yesterday.

Jungkook stopped in the middle of two clothing stores. "I- I smell her but I'm not sure which one she in." He explained furrowing his brow. "It's Okay, Kook. You're still new. You'll get the hang of it soon." I reasurred him. "You look in this one and I look in this, okay?" I said giving him a pat on the shoulder before seperating.

Her scent is definitely strong in here, that's when I heard something in the distance shatter. I focused in on the sound and I could see Aurora on the ground, blood dripping down her head with a man over top of her. I quickly ran into that direction, throwing the man off of her against the wall and punching his face in. Jungkook quickly came in as he heard the commotion and he pulls me off of the already unconcious man.

"Namjoon!" Jungkook called to me as his eyes turned crystal blue breaking me from my rage. I look down to see Aurora still out cold on the floor. "Take him outside." I told Jungkook and he did so.

I call Taehyung and to let him know where we were. I scope up Aurora into my lap and take in her half naked form. I'll admit she was beautiful and she made my heart skip a beat. Then I noticed that a bruise was already forming up her abdomen. I peal off my jacket and put on her body. Shortly, Taehyung and the rest of the boys made there way over.

"Take the exit around the corner and take her home." I demanded. Taehyungs face and nose were red from crying I'm sure. "Okay, is she going to okay?" His vioce hourse and caught in his throat. "Don't worry, Taehyung she going to be find. Just get her back to the castle." I reasurred him as he took her in his arms. I let the boys leave first before joining Jungkook outside where that dirt bag was and quickly taught him a lesson.


I turn off the shower and step out wrapping myself in the towel. The storm still raging outside. The sound of the raining hitting the castle hard. I open the door to my bed room and the light were turned out. So I walked over to my bed side table to flip on the lights. I look up and Namjoon is sitting on my window seat.

"Geez Namjoon!" " Seriously, you scared the hell out of me." I explained "And shit, I'm naked!"

"Well how was I supposed to know that you'd walk out naked!" He argued back, standing up

"And who leaves the lights off while they shower."

"Well you know what kind of people sit in dark rooms while women shower? Stalkers or murders." I argued back as I took a step forward.

We were now inches from each other. The air between us was thick and intoxicating, he was soaked in water from the rain.

I walked away towards my closet to change saying, "Try arguing agaisnt that, puppers." I'm then lightly leaned up agaisnt the wall in my dark closet. Namjoons sweet, rich smell filled my nostrals. I exhaled lowly. "Namjoon," I breathed out softly. He stood tall infront of me. He leaned over me with his arm above my head.

"Are you okay, Aurora?" he whispered to me. I looked up to him.

"I'm fine. Just a few cuts and bruises." I answered back softly. I held on to my towel tightly feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I should have gotten to you sooner." He breathed out softly.

"It's okay." I whispered. "It's not. You tried telling us and I was an ass to you." He breathed out biting the inside of his cheek.

He stared down at me and I could feel my cheeks burning. He smelt so good and I can't act like he's not attractive. My heart was racing so fast as he leaned down to me. His wet hair lightly dripped down his face around his jawline. I wasn't even trying to hide the fact that I was staring at him.

"What is it, Kits. You like what you see?" He smirked down at me, lightly dragging his teeth over his pump bottom lip. "I-I just." My voice was caught in my throat. " You just what, Kits?" He was now inches from my lips. "What, fox caught your tongue?" He leaned in.

"No." Broke away pushing him. "I should get dressed actually." I looked down and back up to him smirking. "Oh, right." He stepped back not meeting my eyes. "So you uh staying for the show?" I cocked my brow. " Oh no, I'm sorry." He walked out of my closet.

"Did I make you nervous, puppers." I giggled out. "You wish, Kits." He said before I heard the door shut. I smiled to myself.

It was late but I couldn't sleep so I decided to go down into the dining room. I hear a soft noise from the foyer and peek around the corner and it's Yoongi and Jimin kissing. My eyes go wide, Oh my god," I whisper to myself. Jimin was on the table top with Yoongi between his legs. I was in aw. They honestly looked so good together. Jimin had a soft purple glow over his body. If anything could handle an incubus's power, it's a vampire and Yoongi seemed to be handling it just fine.

I tapped the side of the wall to get their attention. Jimin broke apart first and he looked so cute and shy. "I'm sorry guys, I was just a little hungry.

Jimin cleared his throat as he got off, "Oh don't worry. How are you feeling?" He asked walking over with Yoongi trailing behind him.

"I'm feel just fine. A little sore but that's it." I smiled softly. "This looks bad," He said bring a hand to my neck.

"You should see the other guy." I joked.

"I'm sure, he's tore up." Said a voice from behind me.

It was taehyung walking over in his robe without a shirt. "Geez, Tae cover up." I said blushing at the soft tan skin. "Oh, sorry." He smirked softly.

"Well, I'm kind of hungry too. How about I make us something. Yoongi mind helping?" He smiled. "Sure."

I sat at the table with Jimin as they started looking through the cabinets.

"I'm sorry for interrupting by the way," I teased him poking his side.

A blush spread across his cheeks looking away. "It really is okay." "Did you like it?" I whispered to him. He nodded his head once.

"Cute," I commented with a small smile on my face, cupping my cheek. Looking over at the boys cooking.

Soon a couple of the others pilled in, including Namjoon. He sat next to me. "Hey, Kits." He smiled. "Hey, Puppers." "You feeling alright?" He asked. I nodded my head once. He smiled again softly looking away from me.

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