Chapter 29: Buckle Up

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It was dreary that morning. It was cold and stormy, everyone extremely sleepy even though they all tried going to bed at a decent hour so they'd get enough sleep. But who wouldn't be tried after having to wake up at 3 am to get car packed and ready then on the road by 4 to get to the secret location at 5 to depart on their private jet.

No cameras and no tracking coordinates.

It was still dark out, the only bit of light was from the occasional lighting strike, with it being wet and November. It was nearly freezing out.

Everyone pilled into a big black suv with there belonging following behind in a unmarked car. With Dr.Chambers in the driver seat and the others behind him all snuggled together, most nodding off for the hour drive.
Aurora snuggled between Hoseok and Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung in the middle seat while Seokjin and Yoongi were in the back.

The rain was hitting hard on the vehicle with light thunder and maybe a crescendo of lightening every 15 minutes. In a way, it was very peaceful, it helped everyone sleep soundly  and comfortably.

It was about 25 minutes into the drive when everyone was slowly woken up by the loud ringing of Dr.Chambers cellphone.

"Yes? Hello?"

Everyone curious and looking between each other.

"Got it." He said flatly and then hung up.

"Everyone okay?" He asked.

"Uh yeah. Is everything alright?" Aurora answered.

"Everything is under control but we'll have to take a detour."

"Why?" Namjoon asked a little irritable from being tried.

The car was silent. Too quite. The only sounds were the rain hitting the car and the car picking  Speed going from 50 to 80 within a few seconds.

"Uh Doc, what's going on? Hoseok asked a little worried.

"We're being followed."

"What? Are you serious!" Taehyung said.

"Yes but no need to worry. We'll lose them soon."

"Everyone buckled in?" He asked.

Different veritions of yes and yeahs were heard.

"Okay good, hold on tight. This might get a little bumpy."

Dr.Chambers then shifted gears going faster and then quickly turning down a different road onto a one lane road in the middle of nowhere and then taking another sharp turn, followed by a U-turn that was definitely illegal, followed by a left turn. While pretty much slinging everyone in the car around with sounds of aches and groans from hitting each other.

Then, Dr.Chambers got another call.
He answered. "Mhm. Mhm. Okay, thanks." He then hung up again.

He was then slowing down and made another left turn and they were back on the main road.

"Everyone alright back there?" He asked.

"If you call me hitting my head on the roof the car, "alright" then sure." Yoongi said from the back.

"Honesty, Dr.Chambers if you'd consider you driving like a mad man in rain and me elbowing Taehyung then yeah, "peachy". Namjoon agreed.

The others began to chuckle along with Dr.Chambers.

"Sorry about that guys." "I know that was a bit crazy but we had to lose whoever was following us."

"We understand, Dr.Chambers." Aurora said.

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