Chapter 14: Who's Special Day?

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After the past few days, I had decided to start journaling my experience here at Castle Jordan. In a way it helped me cope with past traumas and the incident from the mall. I was no longer having nightmares but I just felt better after writing a paragraph or two of how I was feeling.

I also didn't want to forget a thing that happens while I'm here and I wanted to be able to go back a read all of my experiences with the boys. I have no idea how long I'd be here for the experiment and I had no idea what would happen after leaving. So I wanted to make the best of it.

I had started writing about how my first day was and then my first impression of the boys. All of them so different from the other.

From Taehyung sweet nature to Jimin sexy yet soft personality to Namjoons ridiculous stoic yet funny personality. Hoseok's cool yet chaotic energy.

I enjoyed spilling the little information I knew about the boys, learning something new everyday. It's been a few days since the boys and I discussed our little arrangement. So I decided to take some time to write my next entry for the day.

I sat down on my window seat, took the cap off my pen and opened to my next clean page.

October 13th,

    Dear Myself,

Well, the sun has been out all afternoon but I can see the dark clouds coming across the water which is nothing out of the norm. It rains and storms here a lot but that's why the greenery is so beautiful.

I'll admit I keep think about what Seokjin Oppa meant by "I'll show you how a good girl is supposed to act. ." It really has been lingering in my mind. Every time I see him, my heart starts to pound at the thought. I almost felt like he was teasing me since he acts like he never said it but he winks at me out of nowhere causing my heart to stop. He really was teasing. He so mean but I was bad. . .

But anyways, there's something I've also been curious about. The boys have been really sweet with me but especially Jimin today. I had gone to breakfast and all the boys were literally doing everything for him It was a little weird but I just kind of sat back and enjoyed it. Jimin seemed really shy today and Yoongi and Hoseok had been teasing him about it. Then when I was heading into town Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok joined me.

I would just watch as the boys dropped stuff into the cart. Normal food stuff but I asked about the red velvet cake batter, icing and ice cream but they told me it was a surprise. I just kind of shrugged and complied.

Then at lunch I would notice the boys whispering to each other. I even said "Secret don't make friends, " I teased. Yoongi just smiled and glance at Jimin who started to blush. Which was cute but I wondered why.

Anyway, today seems to be going pretty well. And I'm just looking forward to what everyone has planned for today.

Love, yourself.

"KNOCK KNOCK," I heard from the other side of my door. I closed my journal and called out.

"Come in," and I was greeted with a seemed to be smug Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Oh well you see today is a special day."

"It is? I question titling my head.

"Yeah, for a very cute and sweet boy." Yoongi smiled.

"Special day?" "Sweet?" "Cute boy"? I thought out loud.

That's when I realized and jumped to my feet
"Holy- is it Jimins birthday?" I asked surprised
Both just smirked and chuckled to themselves.

"It is indeed and I'm assuming you didn't get him anything. " Hoseok cooed innocently.

Oh no. . "I didn't." I said soft as my smile dropped.
Yoongi walked over to my side and put his hand on my waist. "What a pity." He teased sweetly.

"I guess you'll just have to talk to him about that." Hoseok said acting in disbelief, shaking his head.

"Do y'all know where he is?" I asked urgently, feeling the over whelming need to see him .

"Sure do." Yoongi grinned.

"Come on in, Jiminnie!" Hoseok called out the

My eyes followed towards the door where I saw a flustered, rosy cheek Jimin tugging on the hem of shirt causing it exposed the top of his chest. I couldn't help but inhale deeply at the sight in front of me .

"So beautiful." I whispered

Yoongi let go of me as Hoseok headed towards the door, walking pass Jimin.

"We'll let you guys talk for a little bit." Yoongi said giving Jimin a wink causing him to look at the floor. They closed the door leaving me in the room alone with a blushing, shy Jimin.

I sat down on my window seat. "Jimin?" He looked over to me with curious eyes.

"Want to sit? I asked patting the seat next to me. You could see the relief cover his eyes and I smiled as he made his way over.

I watched him as he pulled his knees to his chest and looked out my window. He was so beautiful and alluring. The desire to touch his soft skin was over whelming.

"Aurora?" He said softly still looking out the window.

"Yes Jimin?" Feeling a little worried. "Is everything okay?

He looked to me with bright eyes as he nodded his head once. "Yes." He paused.

"I just wanted to ask you something." He said putting his head on his knees looking away.

I moved closer to him. "What is it?" I asked curiously

His blush became deeper and he hid his face in his arms.

" anc I have a irbthdya siks," He mubbled.

I leaned in, " huh? I'm sorry Jiminnie I can't hear you.

Face still pressed to his arms. "Can I have a birthday kiss?!" He said more clearly causing my eyes to widen.

His legs now touching mine. I slowly moved his arms and way from his blushing face.

I nodded once, "yes Jiminnie," I whispered.

Stay tune! Next chapter will definitely have the "👀"

💜Love you, Kitties! 💜

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