Chapter 35: and The Need👀

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•Warning: Chapter is long•

When Aurora saw all of the cool decorations, the movie set up,the little table next to the fire where all the treats were, with the areas on the ground that were made up of blanks and pillows after seeing all of it, she began to get so excited. She made her way over with the other boys; she could see Jimin sitting with Namjoon, he sat with his legs spread out infront of him propping himself up on his hand with Jimin to his right. He sat close to Namjoon but seemed to be a little shy and cautious as if he didn't know if it was okay to touch him or not.

"Cute." You thought.

You looked up to see Jungkook and Hoseok talking next to the fire. Letting go of Seokjin and Taehyung, passing by Yoongi who was at the projector.

"Hey, guys." You greeted them with a smile. "When did you get back, Hobi?" You asked.

"Just a few minutes ago." Hoseok answered.

Dr.Chambers wasn't feeling well so he's retiring for the night." Jungkook explained.

"Oh? He's not feeling well. That's sad. I wanted him to join us." You said feeling a little bummed.

"I don't know though.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"He was acting kind of.. strange- weir- I don't know.

"What is it, Hobi?" You asked a little concerned with Hoseok looking so bothered

Hoseok hesitated for just a second. "He was just really quiet. He didn't really talk much on the way into town.

"That's it?" Jungkook asked. "Maybe he just wasn't having a good day. It happens."

"I know but- his phone also kept ringing and he just ignored it. The energy in the car was just really uncomfortable." Hoseok continued.

Jungkook and I both had different looks of confused on our faces.

"Okay that is a little weird at least for Dr.Chambers." You agreed

"Maybe you were thinking too much into it?" Jungkook questioned.

"Yeah maybe."

"I'm sure everything's fine. I mean it's Dr.Chambers." You tried to reassure him.

"You guys are probably right." Hoseok said.

You smile. "Okay I'm sorry but I need tell you guys something?" You asked a little excitement bubble in your stomach.

"Okay, what is it?" Jungkook asked catching his curiousity

"You've got some dirt, don't you?" Hoseok grinned.

"What? No. I mean- not necessarily." You giggled. "I just think Taehyung is finally gonna put the "moves" on Yoongi."

"no way!" Jungkook said a little louder then anticipated being a little surprise.
"Ssshhh!" You said letting a hushed laugh escape, waving at him to quiet down.

"Freaking finally." Hoseok smirked. "He's been talking about him non-stop for the past 4 days."

They all look in the directions of where everyone else was and watch as Taehyung cross over toward Yoongi. Hands in his pockets, looking a little nervous.

Jungkook chuckled a little bit. "Hyung is gonna eat TaeTae alive."

"Oh I don't know." Taehyung has quite the freaky side too. Maybe Yoongi will be evenly matched." You contemplate.

Hmm, I don't know. My moneys on Tae." Hoseok stated. "Mines on Yoongi-hyung." Jungkook smirked.

"I guess we'll see." You smirked excitedly.

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