Chapter 31: True to My Word👀

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Warning: Chapter will contain 21+ content with mild kinks.

It was early hours of the morning, no one really wanting to be awake but one by one everyone was slowly woken up by the delicious smells of breakfast. From savory to sweet smell wafting through the Mansion. Even though no one was ready to be awake so early they weren't really complaining. First, Aurora walked into the kitchen; holding Taehyung's hand considering she ended up sneaking into his room last night. Where they saw Dr.Chambers hard at work over the stove.

Yoongi stretching his arms over his head.
"What cha cooking Doc?" He asked

"Well, I've made waffles, French toast eggs and bacon. I also have some homemade cinnamon rolls cooking in the oven.

"Cinnamon rolls are my favorite, Dr. Chambers!" Aurora exclaimed.

"Mine too and I haven't had French toast in forever." Namjoon yawned coming in behind Taehyung and Aurora while trying to flatten his bed head.

"You look cute, Joon." Aurora smiled.
He grins, "thanks beautiful."

Aurora looked around him. "Where's Kookie?" She asked.

"Oh uh he's a little sore. He said he be down in a minute." Namjoon blushed.

"Sore?" Taehyung question concerned. "Why?"

"Oh uh well." Namjoon blush deepen.

Yoongi smirked, "Tae." He called

"Why don't you come sit by me?" He asked pulling his attention away from Namjoon.

"Sure, Hyung."

He takes his seat, slumping down. "So do you know why Kookie is sore?" He whispered
Yoongi chuckled, "Yeah."

"Well! Why is he?"

Yoongi then leans in, lighting gripping Taehyung's thigh. He whispered ghostly a few words into Taehyung's eardrums, that sent shrives up Taehyungs spine. "Why don't I demonstrate for you?"

Taehyung pulls away, "s-stop it, Hyung."

"Oh but I just love teasing you." Yoongi smirked.

Soon, the rest were joining and taking there seats. Namjoon, Jungkook, Aurora and Hoseok to one side and Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and Seokjin with Dr.Chambers to the end of the table. Casually talking amongst each other.

"Would anyone like to go into town today?" Dr.Chambers asked

"I do, I need to get shampoo and conditioner." Aurora answered.

"Yeah, I'd like to come. I need to get some Epson salt." Jungkook said groggy.

"Seriously, Joon. What did you do to him?" "Why is he in so much pain?!" Taehyung demanded.

Jungkook's blush reached the peaks of his ears and Namjoon covered half of his face.

"Tae, don't worry about it."

"No, I will worry about it."

"Tae! I'm not in that kind of pain." Jungkook called through his covered face.

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